炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (8): 40-44.

• 机械设备 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司齐鲁分公司,山东省淄博市 255400
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-08 出版日期:2021-08-15 发布日期:2021-11-15
  • 作者简介:刘志民,高级工程师,1990年毕业于山东工业大学机械设计与制造专业,现任该公司设备动力首席专家,长期从事炼化设备管理工作。联系电话:0533-7588426,E-mail:qllzhm@163.com。

Problem and countermeasures of realizing “five years one maintenance” for wax oil catalytic cracking unit

Liu Zhimin   

  1. SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Company,Zibo, Shandong 255400
  • Received:2021-02-08 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-11-15

摘要: 总结了蜡油催化裂化装置累计运行5 a后关键设备的检查和检修情况。认为影响装置长周期运行的主要因素是再生器和沉降器翼阀的磨损、主风分布管喷嘴的磨损、滑阀导轨的磨损、油浆系统的工艺管理以及关键机组的运行管理等。对关键设备、关键部件深度检修,加强装置日常工艺、设备管理,减少装置生产波动,蜡油催化裂化装置达到“五年一修”的目标是完全可以实现的。

关键词: 蜡油催化裂化装置, 再生器, 沉降器, 磨损, 油浆, 五年一修

Abstract: The inspection and maintenance of the key equipment of the wax oil catalytic cracking unit after 5 years of operation were summarized. It was considered that the dominant factors affecting the long-term operation of the unit were the wear of regenerator and settler wing valve, the wear of nozzle of main air distribution tube, the wear of the slide-way of slide valve, the process management of the slurry system and the operation management of the key units. Through in-depth maintenance of key equipment and components, strengthening daily process and equipment management of the unit, and minimizing production fluctuation of the unit, the goal of “five years one maintenance” of the unit can be achieved.

Key words: wax oil catalytic cracking unit, regenerator, settler, wear, slurry, five years one maintenance