炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (7): 1-4.

• 加工工艺 •    下一篇


马冲1, 董晨1, 张金行1, 冯好喆2, 张新宽1   

  1. 1.中国石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院,北京市 100083;
    2.中石化洛阳工程有限公司,河南省洛阳市 471003
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-09 出版日期:2021-07-15 发布日期:2021-11-16
  • 作者简介:马冲,助理研究员,本科, 2010年毕业于中国石油大学(北京)化学工程与工艺专业,主要研究方向为连续重整工艺技术。联系电话:18511581747,E-mail:machong.ripp@sinopec.com。

Start up and operation analysis of China's first coal-based naphtha continuous catalytic reforming unit

Ma Chong1, Dong Chen1, Zhang Jinhang1, Feng Haozhe2, Zhang Xinkuan1   

  1. 1. SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing 100083;
    2. SINOPEC Luoyang Engineering Co., Ltd., Luoyang, Henan 471003
  • Received:2021-04-09 Online:2021-07-15 Published:2021-11-16

摘要: 国内首套400 kt/a煤基石脑油连续重整装置于2020年10月投料试车成功。工业应用结果表明:以低温煤焦油加氢生产的石脑油为原料,采用PS-Ⅵ催化剂,当平均反应器入口温度为481 ℃时,C+5产品辛烷值可达107,液体收率达到93.48%,芳烃产率和纯氢产率分别为82.21%和4.55%,产氢纯度高达97.95%,并且重整生成油中几乎检测不到烯烃,可避免微量烯烃带来的负面影响。由于第一反应器和第二反应器的温降较大,在工艺设计时建议适当减少第一反应器和第二反应器的催化剂装填量,以提高催化剂的利用率。该装置的开车成功,开辟了一条以煤炭为原料生产芳烃的新途径。

关键词: 煤基石脑油, 连续重整, 原料, 催化剂, 操作条件, C+5产品, 脱戊烷油

Abstract: China's first 0.4 MM TPY coal-based naphtha continuous catalytic reforming device was successfully put into commissioning in October 2020. Naphtha produced by hydrogenation of low temperature coal tar is used as feedstock with PS-Ⅵ catalyst. Industrial application results show that when the average reactor inlet temperature is 481 ℃, the octane number of C+5 product can reach 107, the liquid yield can reach 93.48%, the aromatics yield and pure hydrogen yield can reach 82.21% and 4.55% respectively, and the hydrogen purity can reach 97.95%. Moreover, olefins can hardly be detected in the reformate, which can avoid the negative effects of trace olefins. Due to the large temperature drop in the first and second reactors, it is suggested to reduce the amount of catalyst in the first and second reactors to improve the utilization rate of the catalyst. The successful operation of the unit opens up a new way to produce aromatics from coal.

Key words: coal-based naphtha, continuous catalytic reforming, feedstock, catalyst, Operating conditions, C+5 product, depentanized oil