炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 1-5.

• 加工工艺 •    下一篇



  1. 中国石油华北石化分公司,河北省任丘市 062552
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-17 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-03-16
  • 通讯作者: 赵志飞,高级工程师,大学本科,主要从事原油加工方案、炼油装置生产技术研究工作。联系电话:0317-2735177,E-mail:hb_zzf@petrochina.com.cn。

Different base vacuum residue transport and refine independently for optimization processing of heavy oil

Zhao Zhifei, Liu Zongyu, Wang Deliang   

  1. PetroChina North China Petrochemical Company, Renqiu, Hebei 062552
  • Received:2022-01-17 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-16

摘要: 利用常减压和渣油加氢双系列工艺,对不同基属减压渣油(减渣)分输分炼、独立加工,提高高硫中间基减渣的掺渣比和脱残炭率,改善催化裂化原料性质;同时降低低硫石蜡基减渣的反应苛刻度,以减少氢耗、实现长周期运行。实践表明,通过分输分炼,高硫中间基减渣掺渣比由65%提高到72%,脱残炭率提高了14百分点,催化裂化原料性质得到了极大改善;低硫高残炭加氢渣油用于生产低硫船用燃料油,提高了经济效益。经测算,分输分炼加工效益比混合加工提升了10.5元/t,并可为催化裂解提供氢质量分数大于13%的优质原料。

关键词: 减压渣油, 分输分炼, 重油加工, 渣油加氢, 低硫船用燃料油, 催化裂解原料

Abstract: Two series processes of atmospheric and vacuum distillation and residue hydrogenation are used to separate, transport, refine and process the residue of different base groups, so as to improve the rate of blended residue and decarbonization of high sulfur intermediate residue, improve the FCC feed. At the same time, reduce the reaction severity of low sulfur paraffin based vacuum residue to reduce hydrogen consumption and realize long term operation. The practice shows that through refining independently, the slag blending rate of high sulfur intermediate vacuum residue is increased from 65% to 72%, the carbon removal rate is increased by 14 percentage points, and the properties of catalytic raw materials are greatly improved. Hydrogenated residual oil with low sulfur and high residual carbon can be used to produce low sulfur ship fuel, improves economic benefits of refinery. The calculation shows that the processing benefit of separate transportation and separate refining is 10.5 yuan/ton higher than that of mixing, and high quality feedstocks with hydrogen content greater than 13% can be provided for deep catalytic cracking.

Key words: vacuum residue, separate transportation and separate refining, heavy oil processing, residue hydrogenation, low sulfur marine fuel oil, catalytic cracking feedstock