炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 15-20.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司,新疆 克拉玛依 833699
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-02 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-03-16
  • 作者简介:李军令,高级工程师,本科,主要从事炼油工艺技术管理工作。联系电话:13809928817, E-mail:lyc_ljl@petrochina.com.cn。

Application of cyclone dissolved air floatation technology in the treatment of electric desalting salt-containing waste water

Li Junling   

  1. PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Karamay, Xinjiang 833699
  • Received:2021-11-02 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-16

摘要: 旋流溶气气浮技术将旋流离心分离技术与溶气气浮分离技术结合,采用特殊的设备结构,提高溶气效率,能产生更小的微气泡(粒径5~30 μm),具有较高的除油、除渣效果。CDFU(高效旋流溶气气浮装置)在含盐污水预处理装置应用,能实现长期稳定运行,并达标排放,除油率73.6%,除渣率71.66%,COD(化学需氧量)降低32.7%,含盐污水水质明显改善,且可降低含盐污水中可燃气体和硫化氢含量,减少对下游影响,消除安全隐患。

关键词: 旋流溶气, 电脱盐, 含盐污水, 闪蒸罐, 两级气浮, 石油类, 悬浮物, COD

Abstract: Cyclone dissolved air floatation technology combines cyclone centrifugal separation technology with dissolved air floatation separation technology, adopts special equipment structure, improves efficiency of dissolving air and produces smaller microbubbles (particle size 5~30 μm), which has high oil and slag removal effect. The application of CDFU (cyclone dissolved air floatation unit) in the salt-containing waste water pretreatment unit realizes long-term stable operation and up to standard discharge. The oil removal rate is 73.6%, the slag removal rate is 71.66%, the COD (chemical oxygen demand) is reduced by 32.7%, and the quality of salt-containing waste water is significantly improved. It can also reduce the content of combustible gas and hydrogen sulfide in salt-containing waste water, reduce the impact on the downstream, and eliminate potential safety hazards.

Key words: cyclone dissolved air, electric desalting, salt-containing waste water, flash tank, two-stage air floatation, petroleum, suspended solid, COD