炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 26-31.

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  1. 浙江石油化工有限公司,浙江省舟山市 316000
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-13 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-03-16
  • 作者简介:辛华,现任该公司炼油芳烃第二事业部总经理助理,主要从事炼油装置施工生产、工艺技术管理工作。E-mail:zsh_xinhua@rongsheng.com。

nalysis on operation characteristics of mixed feed heat exchanger in large continuous reforming unit

Xin Hua,Niu Yanjie   

  1. Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd., Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000
  • Received:2021-12-13 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-16

摘要: 进料换热器作为重整装置的关键设备,其性能直接影响整个装置的能耗和平稳生产。为进一步探究不同类型换热器在大型装置中的运行特性,以浙江石油化工有限公司两期四系列3.8 Mt/a连续重整装置为例,在相同负荷和变化负荷两种工况下,比较分析焊接板式换热器和缠绕管式换热器的热端温差和反应压力降。研究结果表明:在相同负荷工况下,缠绕管式换热器比焊接板式换热器热端温差低6~7 ℃,反应压力降降低15~20 kPa; 在变化负荷工况下,缠绕管式换热器的反应压力降变化率是焊接板式换热器的0.6倍,表现出较强的抗波动性。在本案例工况下(不考虑进料组分变化),重整装置选用缠绕管式换热器具有换热效率高、反应压力降小、抗波动性好的优势,为大型炼化装置的系统设计和优化提供实际参考。

关键词: 连续重整装置, 混合进料换热器, 焊接板式换热器, 缠绕管式换热器, 热端温差, 反应物料压力降

Abstract: As the key equipment of the reforming unit, the performance of the feed heat exchanger directly affects the energy consumption and stable production of the whole unit. In order to further explore the operation characteristics of different types of heat exchangers in large unit, it takes four series of 3.8 MM TPY continuous reforming unit of Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. as a case to compare and analyze the heat end temperature difference and reaction pressure drop of the welded plate and winding tube heat exchanger under the same load and changing load conditions. The results show that under the same load condition, the temperature difference of the winding pipe heat exchanger is 6~7 ℃ lower than the weld plate heat exchanger, and the reaction pressure is reduced 15~20 kPa. Under changing load condition, the reaction pressure drop of the winding pipe heat exchanger is 0.6 times that of the welded plate heat exchanger, which can show strong fluctuation resistance. It is concluded that under the working conditions of this case (not considering the change of feed components), the winding pipe heat exchanger for the reforming unit has the advantages of high heat exchange efficiency, small reaction pressure drop and good fluctuation resistance. It provides a practical reference for the system design and optimization of large scale refining and chemical unit.

Key words: continuous reforming unit, mixed feed heat exchanger, welded plate heat exchanger, winding pipe heat exchanger, heat end temperature difference, pressure drop of reaction mass