炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (7): 69-72.

• 标准规范 • 上一篇    

石油、石化和天然气工业用离心泵(GB/T3215—2019/API610 11th)标准解读


  1. 1.沈阳水泵研究所有限公司; 2.中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-18 出版日期:2022-07-15 发布日期:2022-07-15
  • 作者简介:董钦敏,硕士,2010年毕业于沈阳工业大学机械工程专业,全国泵标准化技术委员会秘书长,主要负责组织泵领域国家标准、行业标准和团体标准的制修订工作。联系电话:13516099839,E-mail:dongqm115@163.com。;

Interpretation of the standard GB/T 3215—2019/API 610 (version 11)

Dong Qinmin1;Kang Na1;Yang Chengjiong2   

  1. 1.Shenyang Pump Research Institute Co., Ltd.; 2.SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-04-18 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-07-15


GB/T 3215—2019《石油、石化和天然气工业用离心泵》修改采用ISO 13709:2009,技术内容等同API 610第11版。GB/T 3215—2019的立意是从石油化工厂生产特点出发,要求设备为石油化工流程服务,强调设备可靠性第一的原则,标准中的很多条款源自于生产应用的实践,同时在工程设计和质量要求方面强调冗余思想,强调泵从询价采购,设计、制造,外购配套、试验检验、包装运输及产品资料全过程的管理。通过对GB/T 3215—2019编制过程及内容的介绍,关键技术内容分析解读,可以更好推动标准的贯彻实施,对行业的发展起到促进作用。

关键词: 离心泵, API610, 标准, 解读


GB/T 3215—2019 is modified based on ISO 13709:2009, which is equivalent to API 610 version 11 in technical. The purpose of the standard is to proceed from the production characteristics of petrochemical plants, requiring equipment to serve the petrochemical process, emphasizing that equipment reliability is the first. Many clauses in the standard are derived from the practice of production and application. At the same time, redundant ideas are emphasized in terms of engineering design and quality requirements, and the management of whole process of pump from purchased enquiry, design, manufacturing, outsourcing, testing, packaging and transportation, and product information is emphasized. Through the introduction of the preparation process and content of GB/T 3215—2019, and the analysis and interpretation of key technical content, the implementation of the standard can be better promoted and the development of the industry can be promoted.

Key words: centrifugal pump, API 610, standard, interpretation