炼油技术与工程 ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 56-60.

• 环境保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


张静, 段永亮, 王慧琴, 李瑞龙, 李虎, 安良成, 张春化   

  1. 1.国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司; 2.长安大学能源与电气工程学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-24 出版日期:2023-09-15 发布日期:2023-09-27
  • 作者简介:张静,工程师,工学硕士,主要从事清洁油品研发工作。联系电话:13469604594,E-mail:604378021@qq.com。;

Experimental study on emission characteristics of indirect coal liquefied diesel fuel

Zhang Jing, Duan Yongliang, Wang Huiqin, Li Ruilong, Li Hu, An Liangcheng, Zhang Chunhua   

  1. 1.Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd.of CHN Energy; 2.School of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Chang'an University
  • Received:2023-03-24 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-09-27


选用宁夏煤业公司煤炭间接液化柴油(间接液化柴油)、中国石油天然气股份有限公司化石柴油(中石油柴油)和中国神华煤制油化工有限公司煤炭直接液化柴油(直接液化柴油)为实验燃料,分别在发动机转速为1 200、1 400、1 700、2 000 r/min条件下对比考察了燃用3种柴油后CO、HC、NO和烟度等的排放特性。结果表明:燃用间接液化柴油时,污染物CO排放量最低;与中石油柴油相比,燃用间接液化柴油NO、HC排放量略低,但在转速为2 000 r/min的中低负荷下,燃用间接液化柴油的HC排放量比中石油柴油略高;在上述4个转速条件下,燃用间接液化柴油CO排放量平均下降率为30%左右;HC排放量平均下降率为24%左右;NO排放量平均下降率为12%左右;烟度平均上升率为4%左右。综上所述,燃用间接液化柴油具有良好的环保性。

关键词: 煤炭, 间接液化, 柴油, 排放特性, CO, HC, NO, 烟度


Using coal indirect liquefied diesel, PetroChina diesel, and coal direct liquefied diesel as experimental fuels, the emission characteristics of CO, HC, NO and smoke after burning these three diesels at speeds of 1,200 r/min, 1,400 r/min, 1,700 r/min and 2,000 r/min are investigated respectively. The results show that the emission of CO is the lowest when burning coal indirect liquefied diesel; compared with PetroChina diesel, NO and HC emissions of coal indirect liquefied diesel are slightly lower, but indirect liquefied diesel has slightly higher HC emissions than PetroChina diesel at low-medium load at a speed of 2,000 r/min; at these four rotation speeds, the average reduction rate of CO emissions from indirect liquefied diesel is about 30%, the average reduction rate of HC emissions is about 24%, the average reduction rate of NO emissions is about 12%, and the average increase rate of smoke emissions is about 4%. In conclusion, coal indirect liquefied diesel has better environmental friendliness.

Key words: coal, indirect liquefaction, diesel, emission characteristics, CO, HC, NO, smoke