炼油技术与工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 18-21.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司广州分公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-12 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-23
  • 作者简介:兰敏,高级工程师,2002年毕业干西北大学化学工程专业,现主要从事物气体脱硫、胺液再生及硫回收的工艺管理和技术研究工作。联系电话:13929522469,E-mail: lanmm.gzsh@sinopec.com。
  • 基金资助:

Exploration and Practice of Reducing Sodium Content in Extracted Gasoline after LPG Desulfurization Unit

Lan Min, Cao Zhang, Sun Zhihua   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Company
  • Received:2024-07-12 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-23

摘要: 液化石油气脱硫醇装置多采用传统的Merox法,在生产过程中,再生气碱溶剂中含有的二硫化物均采用汽油抽提法脱除,致使抽提后汽油含有微量碱性物质,导致抽提后汽油钠含量及pH值升高,影响下游生产。研发了一条能有效降低抽提后汽油钠含量的工艺技术路线:增设物理沉淀、水洗及吸附过滤工艺流程。结果表明:增设2个50m³的沉淀罐后,可延长22.2h的油、碱分离时间,汽油钠质量分数由400ng/g左右降至200ng/g左右;于沉淀罐入口增加注水流程,投用初期汽油中钠质量分数最低降至73ng/g,但长期运行会出现钠含量回升及废碱排放量大等问题;采用分子筛过滤器过滤并充分沉淀,可使汽油钠质量分数降至20ng/g左右,总脱钠率高达95%。

关键词: 液化石油气脱硫醇装置, 抽提后汽油, 钠含量, 分离时间, 物理沉淀, 沉淀罐, 吸附过滤, 注水

Abstract: The traditional Merox process is commonly used in LPG desulfurization units. During the production process, the disulfides contained in the regenerated alkaline solvent are removed by gasoline extraction, resulting in trace amounts of alkaline substances in the extracted gasoline, which increases the sodium content and pH value of the extracted gasoline, affecting downstream production. A process technology route that can effectively reduce the sodium content in extracted gasoline was developed by adding physical settling, water washing, and adsorption filtration process procedures. The results show that: after adding two 50m³ settling tanks, the separation time of oil and alkali was extended by 22.2h, and the mass fraction of sodium in gasoline was reduced from about 400ng/g to about 200ng/g; by adding a water injection process at the inlet of the settling tank, the sodium mass fraction in gasoline was reduced to a minimum of 73ng/g during the initial use. However, long-term operation will lead to an increase in sodium content and a large amount of waste alkali emissions; by using a molecular sieve filter for filtration and sufficient settling, the sodium mass fraction in gasoline can be reduced to about 20ng/g, with a total desodium rate as high as 95%.

Key words: LPG demercaptanization unit, extracted gasoline, sodium content, separation time, physical settling, settling tanks, adsorption filtration, injecting water