炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 1-4.

• 加工工艺 •    下一篇


曹东学1, 朱亚东2, 吴雷3   

  1. 1.中国石油化工股份有限公司炼油事业部,北京市 100728;
    2.中国石油化工股份有限公司荆门分公司,湖北省荆门市 448000;
    3.中国石化工程建设有限公司,北京市 100010
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-27 出版日期:2021-02-15 发布日期:2021-07-16
  • 作者简介:曹东学,正高级工程师,享受国务院特殊津贴,中国石油化工集团公司高级专家,多年从事石油加工技术、科研、项目管理工作。联系电话:010-59969875,E-mail:caodx@sinopec.com。

Ultra-Iow emission of regenerated flue gas from large-scale FCCU —from conception to commercial practice

Cao Dongxue1, Zhu Yadong2, Wu Lei3   

  1. 1. SINOPEC Petroleum Refinery Department, Beijing 100728;
    2. SINOPEC Jingmen Company, Jingmen, Hubei 448000;
    3. SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation, Beijing 100010
  • Received:2020-11-27 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-07-16

摘要: 国内外催化裂化装置再生烟气治理一般采用湿法脱硫工艺,其特点是适应性和脱硫效果较好,但投资和运行维护费用较高,设备腐蚀、高含盐废水排放、烟羽拖尾等一系列问题难以解决,急需寻找更好的处理方案。中国石油化工集团公司针对催化裂化再生烟气的特点,从再生过程的SOx和NOx产生源头控制,集成开发了负压式半干法烟气超低排放治理技术,在中国石油化工股份有限公司荆门分公司2.80 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置成功投用。结果表明,排放烟气达到超低排放标准要求,同时解决了SO3气溶胶、烟羽、设备腐蚀、废水等问题。投资和运行费用优于钠法脱硫,为国内外催化裂化再生烟气污染物超低排放治理提供了借鉴。

关键词: 催化裂化装置, 再生烟气, 超低排放, 半干法

Abstract: The treatment of FCC regenerated flue gas at home and abroad generally adopts wet desulfurization process, which is characterized by good adaptability and high-efficiency, but high investment and operation and maintenance costs. A series of problems such as corrosion, high salt wastewater, plume towing are difficult to avoid. It is urgent to find a better treatment scheme. According to the characteristics of FCC regenerated flue gas, SINOPEC has developed a integrated negative pressure semi-dry flue gas ultra-low emission control technology from the source control of SOx and NOx generated from the regeneration process, which has been successfully put into operation in the 2.80 MM TPY heavy oil catalytic cracking unit of SINOPEC Jingmen Company.The operation results show that the emission of flue gas meets the requirements of ultra-low standards, and the problems of SO3 aerosol, plume, equipment corrosion and waste water are eliminated at the same time. The investment and operation cost is better than that of sodium desulfurization, which provides a reference for the ultra-low emission of regenerated flue gas pollutants from FCCU at home and abroad.

Key words: catalytic cracking unit, regenerated flue gas, ultra-low emission, semi-dry method