炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (4): 18-21.
• 加工工艺 • 上一篇 下一篇
范海杰, 崔冰冰
Fan Haijie, Cui Bingbing
摘要: 针对某炼化企业异构反应系统异丁烷收率下降问题进行分析,发现异构化进料以及循环丁烷中C5及C+5重组分质量分数高于3%、四氯乙烯助剂水质量分数高达45 μg/g、反应器运行负荷高达115%~120%等是其影响因素;通过控制原料重组分含量及降低循环丁烷中C5及C+5组分质量分数低于2.5%,应用高品质四氯乙烯(水质量分数低于15 μg/g),稳定控制反应温度,采取合适加工负荷及运行液时空速4~6 h-1等使异构化产品异丁烷占比稳定控制在60%以上。
关键词: 正丁烷异构化, 反应收率, 重组分, 助剂, 反应温度
Abstract: In view of the yield reduction of isomerization reactors in a refinery and chemical enterprise, it was found that the content of C5 and C+5 in the feedstock and circulating butane increased by more than 3%, the water content of perchlorethylene additive was as high as 45 μg/g, and the load of the reactor was 115%~120%. These were the factors influencing the reduction of reaction yield. The proportion of isobutane in the isomerized products was controlled more than 60% by controlling the content of heavy component in the feedstock, reducing the content of C5 and C+5 in the circulating butane to less than 2.5%, applying high quality perchlorethylene with water content less than 15 μg/g, steadily controlling the reaction temperature, adopting appropriate processing load and liquid hourly space velocity (4~6 h-1).
Key words: n-butane isomerization, reaction yield, heavy component, additive, reaction temperature
范海杰, 崔冰冰. 正丁烷异构反应收率降低原因分析及对策[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2021, 51(4): 18-21.
Fan Haijie, Cui Bingbing. Cause analysis and countermeasures for yield reduction of n-butane isomerization[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2021, 51(4): 18-21.
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