炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (5): 8-11.
• 加工工艺 • 上一篇 下一篇
白振民, 范思强
Bai Zhenmin, Fan Siqiang
摘要: 以两种典型深拔蜡油为原料,探究加氢裂化工艺加工高干点原料的可行性,同时考察工艺流程、原料种类以及转化深度对加工效果的影响。研究结果表明:与直馏蜡油相比,深拔蜡油的密度以及硫、氮等杂质含量明显增加,加工难度显著提高;以单段串联一次通过工艺处理高干点原料,得到的喷气燃料收率可达35%,其烟点达30.0 mm,柴油十六烷值64.0,尾油黏度指数120,产品性质优异;以全循环工艺处理高干点原料,得到的喷气燃料与柴油的收率均接近40%,喷气燃料烟点30.2 mm,柴油十六烷值65.5。
关键词: 高干点, 加氢裂化, 减压深拔, 喷气燃料, 柴油, 尾油
Abstract: With two heavy VGO as feedstock, the feasibility of hydrocracking process for processing high dry point feedstock was explored, and the effects of process flow, feedstock types and conversion depth on the processing results were investigated. The results showed that compared with straight run VGO, the density, sulfur, nitrogen and other impurities of deep cut VGO were significantly increased, and the processing difficulty is significantly improved; when the high dry point feedstock was treated by single-stage series hydrocracking process, the yield of jet fuel was up to 35%, the smoke point of jet fuel was up to 30.0 mm, the cetane number of diesel oil was 64.0, and the viscosity index of tail oil was 120, and the product properties were excellent; when the high dry point feedstock was treated by full cycle process, the yields of jet fuel and diesel oil were close to 40%, the smoke point of jet fuel is 30.2 mm, and the cetane number of diesel oil is 65.5.
Key words: high dry point, hydrocracking, vacuum deep cut distillation, jet fuel, diesel, tail oil
白振民, 范思强. 高干点原料加氢裂化工艺研究[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2021, 51(5): 8-11.
Bai Zhenmin, Fan Siqiang. Research on hydrocracking process of heavy VGO[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2021, 51(5): 8-11.
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