炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (11): 45-49.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜延年, 王宁, 张猛   

  1. 中石化炼化工程(集团)股份有限公司洛阳技术研发中心
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-18 出版日期:2022-11-15 发布日期:2022-11-20
  • 作者简介:杜延年,高级工程师,博士,2018年毕业于石油化工科学研究院应用化学专业,主要从事腐蚀与防护研究工作。联系电话:0379-64868751,E-mail:duyn.segr@sinopec.com。;

Analysis of coking properties of asphaltene during residue hydrogenation

Du Yannian, Wang Ning, Zhang Meng   

  1. SEG Luoyang R & D Center of Technology
  • Received:2022-04-18 Online:2022-11-15 Published:2022-11-20



关键词: 渣油加氢, 沥青质, 胶体特性, 生焦特性, 加氢转化特性, 聚集特性


The change degree of colloidal stability of residue determines the coking tendency in the residue hydrogenation system. Asphaltene, as the core of the residue colloid system, is the key factor affecting the colloid stability. In order to deeply understand the effect of asphaltene on coking process during the residue hydrogenation, the coking properties of asphaltene are analyzed from the colloidal properties of residue, the hydrogenation conversion properties of asphaltene, the interaction between asphaltene molecules, and the aggregation properties of asphaltene molecules. With the improvement of residue conversion, coke formation of residue in the hydrogenation reaction process is inevitable, because asphaltene aggregates are formed under the condition of interaction between asphaltene molecules. In view of the complexity and variability of asphaltene molecular structure, it is the key to study the aggregation and coking mechanism of asphaltene molecules in the future to analyze the complex interaction mechanism between asphaltene molecules at the molecular level.

Key words: residue hydrogenation, asphaltene, colloid property, coking property, hydroconversion property, aggregation property