炼油技术与工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 26-29.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司;2.辽宁宝来生物能源有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-15 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-23
  • 作者简介:李旭贺,助理研究员,硕士研究生。

Low viscosity marine fuel oil blending component by fixed-bed residue hydrogenation unit

Li Xuhe , Mao Qingguo , Jin Jianhui , Li Hongguang , Liu Tiebin , Geng Xinguo , Yuan Sheghua   

  1. 1.SINOPEC (Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.; 2.Liaoning Baolai Bioenergy Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-06-15 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-23

摘要: 通过分析固定床渣油加氢装置降黏情况,结合工业数据和试验结果,得出同时适用于原料和加氢常压渣油运动黏度在温度分别为5080、100℃下的经验转换式,考察了反应条件对产品黏度影响和不同位置催化剂床层降黏贡献。结果表明:保护剂+脱金属剂、脱硫剂和脱残炭剂单位体积黏度降幅依次为0.97%、0.86%、0.32%,其中保护剂和脱金属剂合计黏度降幅贡献达到54%;反应温度调整对加氢常压渣油黏度影响最大,反应温度每提高5℃,运动黏度降幅增加2.17百分点;生产低黏度船用燃料油调和组分或产品,催化剂级配应注重大分子转化,相对于常规催化剂级配来说,应提高保护剂和脱金属剂的装填比例;固定床渣油加氢工艺在流程上需增设减压分馏塔,能解决产品黏度超标问题,可直接生产低硫船用燃料油产品。

关键词: 固定床, 渣油加氢装置, 低黏度, 船用燃料, 调和组分, 加氢常压渣油, 反应温度, 液时体积空速

Abstract: In recent years, the main product of the fixed-bed residue hydrogenation unit, hydrogenated atmospheric residue, is often used as a blending component of low sulfur marine residual fuel. The blending component needs to undergo viscosity reduction treatment. The conversion formulas for the kinematic viscosity of feed and hydrogenated atmospheric residue at 50, 80, and 100°C are obtained by analyzing industrial data and experimental results. The influence of reaction conditions on product viscosity is explored. The decrease in volume viscosity of the protective agent and dematalization agent, desulfurizing agent, and carbon reduction catalyst is 0.97%, 0.86%, and 0.32%, respectively, with the combined contribution of the protective agent and dematalization agent reaching 54%. The adjustment of reaction temperature has the greatest impact on the viscosity of hydrogenated atmospheric residue, with an increase of 2.17 percentage points in the decrease of kinematic viscosity for every 5°C increase in reaction temperature. To produce low viscosity marine fuel blending components or products, the loading ratio of protective agents and dematalization agents should be increased compared to conventional catalyst gradation. The fixed-bed residue hydrogenation process can directly produce low sulfur marine fuel products by adding a vacuum distillation tower.

Key words: fixed-bed, residue hydrogenation unit, low viscosity, marine fuel, blending component, hydrogenation atmospheric residue, reaction temperature, liquid hourly space velocity