炼油技术与工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 56-60.

• 安全卫生 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-01 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-23
  • 作者简介:王报春,工程师,硕士研究生,2018年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)油气储运工程专业,主要研究方向为油气储运工程。联系电话:13660671993 E-mail:wangbc.lpec@sinopec.com。
  • 基金资助:

Design summary of safety vent system for large-scale hydrogen tank group

Wang Baochun, Xu Xingwen, Ding Meifeng, Li Wenlong, Chang Zheng, Yao Jianguo, Du Fuguo   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-07-01 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-23

摘要: 安全放散系统是氢气罐区安全设计的重要组成部分,随着国内氢能产业规模和氢气储运规模增长,在大气量、中高压氢气的储运过程中,安全放散系统的设计尤为重要。目前国内氢气储运设施的设计标准对大规模氢气放散系统放散高度的设计存在争议,文中基于现有国内外相关标准的文献调研,总结出能够满足国内外主要设计标准放散要求的放散高度计算公式。根据放散高度计算公式、借助Flaresim 5.0等工具,以西北某万吨级绿氢项目大规模氢气罐区放散系统为例进行放散高度设计计算,计算结果显示:大规模氢气放散系统开展热辐射计算校核是必要的,采用常规的5m高放散塔进行大规模氢气放散具有威胁人身和设备安全的设计隐患,适当提高放散高度能够大幅降低对人员活动区域的热辐射强度。同时并根据计算结果提出了用于粗略校核人身设备安全的氢气放散高度便查表。

关键词: 氢气罐区, 安全放散塔, 放散高度, 热辐射, 热辐射强度, 敏感性分析

Abstract: The safe vent system is an important part of the safety design of the hydrogen tank area. With the increase of the scale of the domestic hydrogen energy industry and the scale of hydrogen storage and transportation, the design of the safe vent system is particularly important in the storage and transportation of large-volume and medium-high pressure hydrogen. At present, there is a dispute in the design standards of domestic hydrogen storage and transportation facilities regarding the design of the vent height of the large-scale hydrogen vent system. Based on the literature research on the existing domestic and foreign standards, this paper summarizes the calculation formula of the vent height that can meet the vent requirements of the main domestic and international design standards. Based on the calculation formula of the vent height and using tools such as Flaresim 5.0, the vent height design calculation is carried out using the large-scale hydrogen tank area release system of a 10,000-ton green hydrogen project in Northwest China as an example. The calculation results show that it is necessary to carry out thermal radiation calculation and verification for the large-scale hydrogen vent system. The conventional 5m vent tower for large-scale hydrogen vent has design hazards that threaten personal and equipment safety. Appropriately increasing the vent height can greatly reduce the intensity of thermal radiation to personal activity areas. At the same time, based on the calculation results, a lookup table for the vent height of hydrogen is proposed for rough checking of personal or equipment safety.

Key words: hydrogen tank group, safety vent system, release height, thermal radiation, thermal radiation intensity, sensitivity analysis