炼油技术与工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (3): 6-9.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


李春晓, 刘乾辰, 宋润润, 龙奕华   

  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-21 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-03-21
  • 作者简介:李春晓,高级工程师,2000年毕业于石油大学(华东)化学工程专业,一直从事炼油化工装置工艺设计工作。联系电话:020-22192866,E-mail:lichunx.lpec@sinopec.com。;

Comparison of technical schemes for producing styrene from saturated dry gas and pure ethylene as feedstocks

Li Chunxiao, Liu Qianchen, Song Runrun, Long Yihua   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-11-21 Online:2024-03-15 Published:2024-03-21


炼油厂饱和干气经提浓得到富乙烷气,经乙烷裂解生产粗裂解气,再经稀乙烯制乙苯工艺生产乙苯、进而生产苯乙烯产品是一种新的苯乙烯生产路线,文中从原料、工艺流程、产品质量、能耗、物耗、投资和成本等方面对该路线和传统纯乙烯制苯乙烯路线进行了分析对比,结果表明:两种路线的苯乙烯产品质量基本相当,均满足行业标准优级品要求;主要生产物料苯单耗基本相当,饱和干气路线每吨苯乙烯消耗的饱和干气量约为1.102 t,约为纯乙烯制苯乙烯路线的乙烯单耗量的3.92倍;饱和干气路线的装置投资和能耗方面均比纯乙烯制苯乙烯路线高,分别约为纯乙烯路线的2倍和2.12倍。纯乙烯制苯乙烯路线在装置投资、能耗和物耗方面具有优势,在纯乙烯资源较为充裕的炼油厂可优先考虑该方案。饱和干气路线适合纯乙烯资源比缺匮乏而饱和干气较为富余的炼油厂。

关键词: 饱和干气, 纯乙烯, 苯乙烯, 能耗, 投资, 产品质量, 苯单耗, 成本


The refinery's saturated dry gas is purified to obtain rich ethane gas, which is then subjected to ethane cracking to produce crude cracking gas, and then subjected to the process of producing ethylbenzene from dilute ethylene to produce ethylbenzene, and then produce styrene. This is a new route for producing styrene products. An analysis and comparison were made between this route and the traditional one that produce styrene by pure ethylene in terms of feedstocks, process flow, product quality, energy consumption, material consumption, investment, and cost. The results show that the quality of styrene products from the two routes is basically equivalent, and both meet the industry standard requirements for high-quality products. The main production material benzene has a similar unit consumption. The consumption of saturated dry gas in the saturated dry gas route is about 1.102 tons per ton styrene, which is about 3.92 times the ethylene unit consumption of the pure ethylene to styrene route. The investment and energy consumption of the saturated dry gas route are both higher than those of the pure ethylene to styrene route, about twice and 2.12 times higher, respectively. The pure ethylene to styrene route has advantages in device investment, energy consumption, and material consumption, and can be given priority consideration in refineries with abundant pure ethylene resources. The saturated dry gas route is suitable for refineries with scarce pure ethylene resources and abundant saturated dry gas.

Key words: saturated dry gas, pure ethylene, styrene, energy consumption, plant investment, quality of product, unit consumption of benzene, cost;