炼油技术与工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 5-8.

• 加工工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛清国, 任晶, 李新, 杨斌, 刘芷君   

  1. 辽宁宝来生物能源有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-13 出版日期:2024-06-16 发布日期:2024-06-27
  • 作者简介:毛清国,高级工程师,本科,1995年毕业于石油大学(华东)化学工程专业,主要研究碳材料和增塑剂等。联系电话:18524998333,E-mail:2112994955@qq.com。

Industrial application of slurry oil low-temperature solid particle removal technology in FCC unit

Mao Qingguo, Ren Jing, Li Xin, Yang Bin, Liu Zhijun   

  1. Liaoning Baolai Bioenergy Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-02-13 Online:2024-06-16 Published:2024-06-27
  • About author:刘芷君,正高级工程师,硕士研究生,研究碳材料和增塑剂等。联系电话:14704273931,E-mail:953013240@qq.com。


要实现催化裂化油浆高附加值利用,选择高效、低耗的油浆脱固技术尤为关键。对目前常用的催化裂化装置油浆脱固技术长期应用效果进行考察,结果表明:低温脱固技术原料适应性强,要求固含量不高于50 g/L,胶质质量分数不高于15%,沥青质质量分数不高于10%;脱固油浆固含量长期稳定在100μg/g以内,满足针状焦原料的要求;操作温度在160~180℃,相对较低,燃料消耗少,运行成本低;净化油浆收率高达99%,不产生反冲洗油或浓缩油浆;可实现固体与液态油浆彻底分离,排出粉状滤渣基本不含油,可作为一般固废处理;设备占地面积小,配套公用工程少,操作简单,均在常压或微负压下操作,生产运行安全系数高;可实现装置长周期连续生产,符合企业降本增效的发展需求。

关键词: 催化裂化装置, 油浆, 低温脱固, 固含量, 针状焦, 撬装设备


To achieve high value-added utilization of FCC slurry oil, it is particularly crucial to choose high efficient and low consumption slurry oil solid particle removal technology. Based on the long-term application of slurry oil low-temperature solid particle removal technology in FCC unit, it is proved that the technology has strong adaptability to feedstocks, with a solid content of no more than 50 g/L, a gum mass fraction of no more than 15%, an asphaltene mass fraction of no more than 10%, and the solid content of the desolidified slurry oil remains stable less than 100 μg/g for a long term, which meets the requirements of needle coke feedstocks; the operating temperature is 160~180 ℃, which is relatively low, with low fuel consumption and low operating cost; the yield of purified slurry oil is as high as 99%, without producing backwash oil or concentrated slurry oil; solid and liquid slurry oil are completely separated, and the powdery filter residue is basically oil-free; the equipment occupies a small area, has few supporting public works, is easy to operate, and has low operating pressure, with a high safety factor in production and operation. It can achieve long-term continuous production of the unit, meeting the requirements of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Key words: FCC unit, slurry oil, low-temperature solid particle removal, solid particle content, needle coke, skid-mounted equipment