炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (11): 7-10.
• 加工工艺 • 上一篇 下一篇
Yan Junwen
摘要: 清罐原油加工一直是炼油企业加工的难题,主要原因是清罐原油中固体颗粒物含量较高。中国石油化工股份有限公司镇海炼化分公司在常减压装置大比例掺炼清罐油时探索试用固体脱除技术。结果表明,固体脱除技术可显著改善电脱盐乳化情况,实现了电脱盐稳定运行,排水中油含量不超指标,固体颗粒质量分数由试用前不到10 μg/g上升到395.2 μg/g,脱固效果明显。同时清罐原油中铁脱除率由试用前约5%提高到52.2%。利用该技术成功完成了清罐原油的掺炼任务,为常减压装置大比例、高效处理清罐原油积累了经验。
关键词: 常减压装置, 清罐油, 固体颗粒物, 电脱盐, 脱固剂
Abstract: The processing of tank-cleaning crude oil has always been a difficult problem for refining enterprises, mainly due to the high content of solid particles in tank-cleaning oil. SINOPEC Zhenhai Company explored and tried solid-removal technology when mixing tank-cleaning oil in large proportion in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit. The results show that the solid removal technology can significantly improve the emulsification of electric desalting, realize the stable operation of electric desalting, the content of drainage oil does not exceed the index, and the mass concentration of solid particles in the drainage rise from less than 10 μg/g before the trial to 395.2 μg/g, the solid removal effect is obvious. At the same time, the removal rate of Fe in tank-cleaning oil increased from about 5% before trial to 52.2%. This technology has successfully completed the blending task of tank-cleaning oil, and accumulated experience for large-scale and efficient treatment of tank-cleaning oil in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit.
Key words: atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit, tank-cleaning oil, solid particulate, electric desalting, solid-removal agent
颜军文. 高固体含量原油加工技术应用及探讨[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2021, 51(11): 7-10.
Yan Junwen. Application and discussion on processing technology of high solid content crude oil[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2021, 51(11): 7-10.
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