炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (4): 65-68.

• 能量利用 • 上一篇    下一篇

660 V供电系统在石化行业应用分析


  1. 1.洛阳智达石化工程有限公司,河南省洛阳市 471000; 2.宁夏瑞科新源化工有限公司,宁夏 吴忠 751100
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-26 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-21
  • 作者简介:吕文峰,工程师,2009年毕业于河南科技大学自动化专业。联系电话:16637987959, E-mail:lvfeng1222@163.com

Application analysis of 660 V power supply system in petrochemical industry

Lv Wenfeng1, Zhang Zhengxue2, Yue Yang1, Zhang Yining1   

  1. 1.Luoyang Zhida Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Luoyang, Henan 471000; 2.Reekestar Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuzhong, Ningxia 751100 
  • Received:2021-12-26 Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-21

摘要: 660 V作为我国标准电压等级之一,在矿山机械、煤化工等行业的应用已相当普遍,而石油化工行业低压系统仍以380 V为主。在全球碳达峰、碳中和的背景下,各行各业在节能降耗上都在努力开发新的途径。以某项目为例,探讨了660 V供电系统在石化行业中的应用,从节能降耗及继电保护角度阐述了其优势。石油化工企业负荷大,供电距离长,660 V供电系统在节省投资,降低损耗的同时,大大提高了变电所的供电半径,可以产生显著的经济和环境效益,当前形势下,推广660 V电压等级有着重要意义。

关键词: 石油化工, 660 V供电系统, 节能降耗, 保护灵敏度

Abstract: As one of domestic standard voltage level, 660 V is applied generally in mining machinery, coal chemical industry and other industries. While the low-voltage system in the petrochemical industry is still dominated by 380 V. Under the background of global carbon neutralization and carbon peak, all walks of life are trying to develop new ways to save energy and reduce consumption. The thesis is based on a specific project to discuss the application of 660 V system in petrochemical systems, and explain its advantages from the perspective of energy saving, consumption reduction and relay protection. Petrochemical enterprises have large load and long power supply distance. While saving investment and reducing loss, 660 V power supply system greatly improves the power supply radius of substation, which can produce obvious economic and environmental benefits. Under the current situation, it is significance to popularize 660 V voltage level.

Key words: petrochemical industry, 660 V power supply system, energy saving and consumption reduction, protection sensitivity