炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (5): 55-59.

• 能量利用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石化集团北京燕山石油化工有限公司热电厂,北京市 102500
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-11 出版日期:2022-05-15 发布日期:2022-05-17
  • 作者简介:高建新,高级工程师,本科,1993年毕业于内蒙古工学院电厂热能动力工程专业,主要从事热电厂生产运行、设备和技术管理及锅炉相关新技术应用和可靠性研究工作。联系电话:13910931816,E-mail:gaojianxin1971@163.com。

Summary of steam system optimization and energy saving and carbon reduction in Yanshan Petrochemcal Company

Gao Jianxin   

  1. SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Power plant,Beijing 102500
  • Received:2022-02-11 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-17

摘要: 分析了中国石化集团北京燕山石油化工有限公司蒸汽系统布局分散、燃料种类多、燃动成本增加明显、机炉运行效能低、自用损耗高等问题的原因,提出并实施天然气系统提压改造、用能结构调整、用能成本降低、产汽品质及设备效能提高等优化提升措施。结果表明:与2018年相比,2021年燃料消耗减少燃用煤焦550 kt,增用天然气170 kt,增用燃料气和燃料油共50 kt,折合减少标准煤246 kt;增加外购电量约5×108 kW·h;开展绿电交易和 14.76 MW分布式光伏项目,按照二类光伏地区年发电1 400~1 600 h和华北区域电网基准线排放因子核算,年减排约55 kt二氧化碳。实施上述改造后,实现煤焦清零,同比装置用汽量降低21.5%,锅炉产汽量减少24.9%,实现年减排约760 kt二氧化碳,取得了较好效果。

关键词: 蒸汽系统, 燃料结构, 用能结构, 设备效能, 蒸汽损耗, 优化, 节能, 降碳

Abstract: This paper analyzes the main problems of decentralized steam system layout, many types of fuels, obvious increase in fuel cost, low operation efficiency of turbine and boiler and high self consumption loss of SINOPEC Beijing yanshan Petrochemical Co.,Ltd., and puts forward and implements optimization and improvement measures such as pressure raising transformation of natural gas system, adjustment of energy consumption structure, reduction of energy consumption cost, improvement of steam production quality and equipment efficiency. The results show that compared with the fuel consumption in 2018, the consumption of coal coke will be reduced by 550,000 t, the consumption of natural gas will be increased by 170,000 t, and the total consumption of fuel gas and fuel oil will be increased by 50,000 t, equivalent to 246,000 t of standard coal; Increase purchased electricity by about 5×108 kW·h; Green power trading and 14.76 MW distributed photovoltaic projects are carried out. According to the calculation of 1 400~1 600 h annual power generation in class Ⅱ photovoltaic areas and the emission factor of North China regional power grid baseline, the annual emission reduction is about 55,000 t carbon dioxide in 2021. After the above transformation, the goal of zero-coking is achieved, the steam consumption of the unit is reduced by 21.5%, the steam production of the boiler is reduced by 24.9%, and the annual emission reduction of about 760,000 t carbon dioxide is achieved, which has achieved good results.

Key words: steam system, fuel structure, energy structure, equipment efficiency, steam loss, optimization, energy saving, carbon reduction