炼油技术与工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (5): 60-64.
• 环境保护 • 上一篇
Liu Kui, Zhang Yisu
摘要: 石化企业新鲜水用水结构中循环水系统补充水及除盐水制水用新鲜水占绝大部分。石化项目节水评价标准主要依据GB/T 26926—2011 《节水型企业 石油炼制行业》要求。石化项目节水设计措施可以分为有对标指标的节水措施和无直接对标指标的节水措施两大类。节水减排工作需要在设计源头上进行多专业协作,重视水平衡方法的应用;注重全厂含硫污水净化水的平衡回用以及完善节水评价指标,实现节水减排整体优化。
关键词: 石化企业, 节水, 评价指标, 水平衡, 新鲜水, 凝结水, 循环水, 污水回用
Abstract: In the fresh water consumption structure of petrochemical enterprises, the make-up water of recycle water and fresh water for demineralized water preparation account for the majority. Water saving evaluation standard for petrochemical projects is mainly based on the requirements of GB/T 26926—2011 Water saving enterprises—Petroleum refining. The water saving design measures for petrochemical projects can be divided into two categories: the ones with benchmarking indicators and the ones without direct benchmarking indicators. To realize the overall optimization of water saving and emission reduction, it is necessary to carry out multi-disciplinary cooperation at the beginning of the engineering, pay attention to the application of water balance method and the balanced reuse of the stripped sour water in the whole plant, and improve the water saving evaluation indicators standard.
Key words: petrochemical enterprises, water saving, evaluation indicator, water balance, fresh water, condensate, recycle water, waste water reuse
刘奎, 张一粟. 石化企业节水评价指标与节水设计建议[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2022, 52(5): 60-64.
Liu Kui, Zhang Yisu. Suggestions on water saving evaluation indicators and design for petrochemical enterprises[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2022, 52(5): 60-64.
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