炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 37-41.

• 机械设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈强宇, 杨俊   

  1. 中国石油兰州石化公司炼油厂,甘肃省兰州市 730060
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-21 修回日期:2020-11-18 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2021-07-16
  • 作者简介:陈强宇,工程师,大学本科,主要从事连续重整-芳烃抽提装置工艺技术管理工作。联系电话:18089389532,E-mail:chqiangy@petrochina.com.cn。

Cause analysis and countermeasures of corrosion and internal leakage of feedstock heat exchanger in continuous catalytic reforming unit

Chen Qiangyu, Yang Jun   

  1. Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu 730060
  • Received:2020-09-21 Revised:2020-11-18 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-07-16

摘要: 连续重整装置进料换热器更换为国产板壳式换热器,运行几年后其热端温差由投用初期18.5 ℃上升至45.0 ℃,重整生成油环烷烃质量分数也从1%升高至4%左右,说明换热效率下降,同时发生了内漏。分析认为结焦、结垢、堵塞、腐蚀等是造成换热效率下降的主要原因,同时由于换热器板片结垢堵塞致使其长期受热不均,产生的应力变化造成板片被撕裂,发生内漏。详细介绍了装置停工堵漏修复的经验方法,并总结了利用优化进料、提高换热器入口温度、控制循环氢杂质、采用低流量保护等确保进料板式换热器长周期运行的方法。

关键词: 连续重整装置, 进料换热器, 腐蚀内漏, 板式换热器, 热端温差, 低流量保护

Abstract: The feedstock heat exchanger of the continuous catalytic reforming unit is replaced by domestic plate heat exchanger. After several years of operation, the temperature difference at warm end increases from 18.5 ℃ at the beginning of operation to 45 ℃, and the mass fraction of naphthenes in the reforming generated oil increases from 1% to about 4%, indicating that the heat exchange efficiency decreased and internal leakage has occurred at the same time. It is considered that the main factors causing the decrease of heat transfer efficiency are coking, scaling, blocking and corrosion, etc. Meanwhile, the plates of the heat exchanger are not evenly heated for a long time due to scaling and blocking, and the resulting stress changes cause the plates to be torn and leak inside. The experience and methods of plant shutdown and leaking stoppage of the unit are introduced in detail, and the methods to ensure the long-term operation of plate heat exchanger are summarized, such as optimizing feedstock, increasing inlet temperature of heat exchanger, controlling circulating hydrogen impurities and adopting low flow protection.

Key words: continuous catalytic reforming unit, feedstock heat exchanger, corrosion and internal leakage, plate heat exchanger, temperature difference at warm end, low flow protection