Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (2): 33-35.

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Pilot study on delayed visbreaking of vacuum residuum

Chen Yuanqing, Wang Zeai, Huang Xiaozhu, Huang Bo   

  1. CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Huizhou, Guangdong 516081
  • Received:2021-11-08 Online:2022-02-16 Published:2022-02-16



  1. 中海油惠州石化有限公司,广东省惠州市 516081
  • 作者简介:陈远庆,工程师,大学本科,从事石油化工研发工作。联系电话:13829927510,。

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of high viscosity of vacuum residue mixed with low sulfur marine fuel oil RMG 380, a pilot study of delayed viscosity reduction cracking using vacuum residue as feedstock was carried out in a delayed coking pilot plant, and the influence of different temperatures of delayed viscosity  reduction cracking on viscosity reduction was investigated. The results show that under the experimental conditions of delayed viscosity reduction of vacuum residue with feed amount of 5 000 g/h, reaction time of 300 min, steam injection volume and reaction pressure of 0, the temperature at the outlet of furnace tube of heating furnace is proportional to viscosity reduction rate and sulfur reduction rate. When the furnace outlet temperature reaches 380 ℃, the viscosity reduction rate of vacuum residue is more than 85%, and the yield of product viscosity reduction oil is more than 80%.When the furnace outlet temperature reaches 400 ℃, the viscosity reduction rate of vacuum residue is more than 95%, and the yield of the product viscosity reduction oil is more than 90%.When the reaction temperature is 380~400 ℃, the viscosity reduction effect is obvious, and the viscosity reduction rate is more than 85%, which can well meet the requirements of low viscosity of RMG 380 composite.

Key words: vacuum residue, delayed viscosity reduction cracking, reaction temperature, viscosity reduction rate, RMG 380

摘要: 为解决减压渣油在调合低硫船舶燃料油RMG 380时黏度高的问题,在延迟焦化中试装置上开展以减压渣油为原料的延迟减黏裂化中试研究,考察不同的延迟减黏裂化反应温度对减黏效果的影响。结果表明:在进料量为5 000 g/h,反应时间为300 min,注汽量和反应压力均为0的减压渣油延迟减黏中试试验条件下,加热炉炉管出口温度与减黏率、减硫率成正比;当加热炉出口温度达380 ℃时,减压渣油的减黏率达85%以上,产物减黏油的收率达80%以上;当加热炉出口温度达400 ℃时,减压渣油的减黏率达95%以上,产物减黏油的收率达90%以上。反应温度在380~400 ℃的延迟减黏裂化,其减黏效果明显,减黏率达85%以上,满足RMG 380调合料低黏度的要求。

关键词: 减压渣油, 延迟减黏裂化, 反应温度, 减黏率, RMG 380燃料油