Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (2): 60-64.

• SAFETY AND HEALTH • Previous Articles    

SIL verification and design optimization of safety instrumented system

Pi Yu   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510620
  • Received:2021-12-17 Online:2022-02-16 Published:2022-02-17



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司,广东省广州市 510620
  • 作者简介:皮宇,高级工程师,TUV认证工程师,1995年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)工业过程自动化专业,多年从事海外工程设计工作。联系电话:020-22192350,。

Abstract: Safety instrumented function (SIF) loop is set to reduce the safety risk of specific scenes. The functional description of SIF loop in the grading report is the complete logic requirement of process design, including key actions and accessory actions. Safety integrity level (SIL) verification belongs to the research field of probability, and there are many and complex factors affecting the failure rate. If it fails to pass SIL verification, a large amount of engineering changes will be caused, engineering cost will be wasted, and engineering schedule will be delayed. Designers should focus on the identification of key action, average probability of failure on demand (PFDavg) and the constraints of SIF loop structure in SIL grading report. Based on the method of this article to optimize the design of measuring components, logic controllers, executing components and supplemental components, the probability to pass the SIL verification will be increased. When pre verification and safety requirement specification are not available, designers can refer to the typical proven structures of SIF loop to pass SIL verification listed in this article to minimize the engineering change.

Key words: SIL verification, optimization design, measuring component, logic controller, executing component, supplemental components, proven structure

摘要: 安全仪表功能(SIF)回路是为了降低特定场景的安全风险而设置的,定级报告中SIF回路的功能描述是工艺设计的完整逻辑要求,包含关键动作及附件动作。安全完整性等级(SIL)验证属于概率学领域研究范畴,影响失效率的因素多且复杂。如果SIL验证无法通过,将造成大量的设计变更,浪费工程投资,影响工期。设计人员应关注SIL定级报告中关键动作的识别、要求平均失效概率以及SIF回路架构的约束。按照文中方法优化测量元件、逻辑控制器、执行元件及辅助元件的设计,可增加通过验证的概率。在没有预验证及安全要求规格书时,可以参考文中典型可通过SIL验证的SIF回路的经验架构进行优化设计,以减少工程变更。

关键词: SIL验证, 优化设计, 测量元件, 逻辑控制器, 执行元件, 辅助元件, 经验架构