Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (5): 29-33.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis on scaling of high-pressure heat exchanger in residue hydrotreating unit

Gao Na   

  1. SINOPEC Petroleum Refining Department, Beijing 100728
  • Received:2022-03-15 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-17



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司炼油事业部,北京市 100728
  • 作者简介:高娜,高级工程师,2009年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化学工程与工艺、英语专业,主要从事工艺技术、特种油业务管理工作。联系电话:18301556233,。

Abstract: The high-pressure heat exchangers for feedstock-product of several residue hydrotreating units of SINOPEC are investigated from different aspects, including the operation situation of high-pressure heat exchangers, the influence of high-pressure heat exchanger scaling, the factors affecting high-pressure heat exchanger scaling, and the measures to alleviate high-pressure heat exchanger scaling. The investigation results show that: the high-pressure heat exchanger with tube side on feedstock side and shell side on product side is prone to reduce heat exchange efficiency, and scaling is the main reason; The scaling of high-pressure heat exchanger will seriously affect the normal operation of the unit; The main component of the scaling of high-pressure heat exchanger is ferrous sulfide, but the existence of ferrous sulfide is the necessary and insufficient condition for scaling; The injection of scale inhibitor or physical/chemical cleaning and other measures can not overcome the problem of high-pressure heat exchanger; The scaling problem of high pressure heat exchanger can be effectively avoided by designing the feedstock-product high-pressure heat exchanger with shell side and tube side on the feedstock side and increasing the logistics speed in the heat exchanger.

Key words: residue hydrotreating, high pressure heat exchanger, scaling, ferrous sulfide

摘要: 从高压换热器运行概况、结垢造成的影响、影响结垢的因素、缓解结垢的措施等不同方面对中国石化若干套渣油加氢装置的原料-产物高压换热器进行了调研。调研结果表明:原料侧为管程、产物侧为壳程的高压换热器较多出现换热效率下降问题,且结垢是其主因;高压换热器结垢会严重影响装置的正常运行;高压换热器垢物的主要成分为硫化亚铁,但存在硫化亚铁是其结垢的必要非充分条件;注入阻垢剂或是采用物理、化学清洗等措施无法从根本上解决高压换热器结垢问题;将高压换热器设计为原料侧为壳程、产物侧为管程并增大换热器中的物流速度可以有效避免结垢问题。

关键词: 渣油加氢, 高压换热器, 结垢, 硫化亚铁