Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 16-19.

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Application summary of DiSep® electroseparation technology in catalytic slurry filtration system

Sun Guansong1, Li Xiaojun1, Cai Wenjun1, Zhang Jian1, Chen Ao2, Xu Li2, Wu Xianwei2   

  1. 1.SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Company; 2.AGZ Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-04-15 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-23



  1. 1.中国石油化工股份有限公司齐鲁分公司; 2.武汉兰兆科技有限公司
  • 作者简介:孙冠嵩,高级工程师,本科,毕业于抚顺石油学院石油加工专业,主要从事石油炼制工作。联系电话:0533-7511597,。


Catalytic slurry is one of the most cost-effective heavy oil resources for blending marine fuel oil. The effective removal of ash and metals from slurry is the key to realize the slurry as the feedstock of blending marine fuel oil. SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Company choses DiSep® electroseparation technology, innovates the outer process of slurry filtration system, and the industrial test is carried out in the third FCCU. The unit has run continuously for 60 days without failure, and processed more than 3 000 tons of slurry in total. The industrial test results show that when the slurry feed is used as the backwashing oil, the average solids removal rate reaches 97%, the mass fraction of silicon and aluminum of the clarified oil is less than 30 μg/g, the average of ash is less than 0.008%, and the yield of the clarified oil is more than 85%. The cost of the slurry filtration system is mainly power consumption, and the operating energy consumption per ton of slurry is less than 9 kg standard oil. The clarified oil processed by the DiSep® electroseparation filtration system can be used as the feedstock of blending marine fuel oil, realizing stable production and continuous supply of slurry as the feedstock of blending marine fuel oil.

Key words: DiSep?, electroseparation, filtration, catalytic slurry, marine fuel oil, clarified oil, solids removal rate, energy consumption


催化裂化油浆是调合船用燃料油性价比最高的重油资源之一,有效脱除油浆中的灰分和金属,是实现油浆作为船用燃料油原料的关键。中国石油化工股份有限公司齐鲁分公司选择DiSep®电分离技术,创新油浆过滤系统的外围工艺,在第三催化裂化装置进行了工业试验,装置无故障连续运行60 d,累计处理油浆超3 kt。工业试验结果显示,采用油浆进料作为反冲洗油,平均脱固率达97%,澄清油硅+铝质量分数低于30μg/g,平均灰分低于0.008%,澄清油收率超过85%,油浆过滤系统成本主要为电耗,运行能耗低于9 kgoe/t油浆。DiSep®电分离过滤系统处理的澄清油产品能够作为船用燃料调合原料,实现油浆作为船用燃料油原料的稳定生产、持续供应。

关键词: DiSep?, 电分离, 过滤, 催化裂化油浆, 船用燃料, 澄清油, 脱固率, 能耗,