Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 11-15.

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Effect of HCP reaction mode on catalytic cracking reaction

Li Di, Guo Jiangwei   

  1. Qingdao Jingrun Petrochemical Enginerring Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-06-30 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21


李荻, 郭江伟   

  1. 青岛京润石化工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:李荻,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事催化裂解制低碳烯烃领域工艺技术和专用催化剂的开发工作。。


On the multi-functional fluidized catalytic pilot plant, the experimental comparison was carried out according to different reaction modes, and the evaluation indexes PE and Phe of catalytic cracking propylene production efficiency were put forward. The influence of reaction modes was analyzed from the aspects of alkanes, thermal cracking, hydrogen transfer, propylene production efficiency indexes, etc. The results show that compared with the traditional riser + fluidized bed reaction mode, the HCP(high efficiency catalytic cracking for more propylene) reaction mode with “conveyor bed and circulating fluidized bed in series and staged control” can significantly reduce the yield of dry gas and coke, reduce the yield of alkanes, and improve the efficiency of propylene production. HCP reaction mode can effectively inhibit thermal cracking reaction, hydrogen transfer reaction and single molecule cracking reaction.

Key words: HCP reaction mode, catalytic cracking, product distribution, yield of light alkane, propylene production efficiency index, hydrogen utilization efficiency index of propylene, thermal cracking index, hydrogen transfer index


在多功能流化催化中试实验装置上,按不同反应模式进行了实验对比,提出了催化裂化制丙烯效率评价指标Pe和PHe,从烷烃、热裂化、氢转移、制丙烯效率指标等方面分析了反应模式的影响。结果表明:“输送床和循环流化床串联、分级控制”的HCP(High efficiently catalytic cracking for more propylene)反应模式与传统的提升管+流化床反应模式相比,能够显著降低干气和焦炭收率,烷烃产率有所降低,同时提高产丙烯的效率;HCP反应模式可有效抑制热裂化反应、氢转移反应和单分子裂化反应。

关键词: HCP反应模式, 催化裂解, 产品分布, 低碳烷烃产率, 丙烯效率指数, 丙烯氢利用效率指数, 热裂化指数, 氢转移指数