Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 53-56.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and research of mixing stirred tank for large slurry bed residue hydrotreating unit

Qiu Yongning, Liu Shiping, Zhang Wanyao   

  1. Tianhua Institute of Chemical Machinery & Automation Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-08-02 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-20


邱永宁, 刘世平, 张万尧   

  1. 天华化工机械及自动化研究设计院有限公司
  • 作者简介:邱永宁,工程师,硕士研究生,2018年毕业于天华化工机械及自动化研究设计院有限公司化工机械专业,主要从事非标大型动设备的研究。联系电话:15294129071,。;


Mixing stirred tank is a super-large non-standard stirred tank(full volume 580 m3) that uniformly mixes the fresh residue feed, vacuum circulating feed and liquid catalyst through a high-speed rotating eccentric stirring rotor, and then discharges the mixed liquid. It is the key core large dynamic equipment of the 3.0 MM TPY slurry bed residue hydrotreating unit. Based on the structure of the mixing stirred tank, the design, manufacture and heat treatment requirements of the mixing stirred tank body and agitator are introduced. The levelness of the upper surface of the flange is improved by optimizing the structure; The tank body is supported by conical skirt, which solves the problems of equipment stability and thermal expansion; The use of high efficiency axial flow profile curved wide blade eccentric stirring is conducive to the mixing and flow of different media. Under the condition of design temperature of 360 ℃ and design pressure of 1.2 MPa, the head, flange and skirt of the mixing stirred tank are checked to be qualified.

Key words: slurry bed, residue hydrotreating unit, mixing stirred tank, eccentric stirring, stress strength, blender, heat treatment


混合搅拌釜是通过高速旋转的偏心搅拌转子对渣油新鲜进料、减压循环料、液态催化剂进行均相混合,然后排出混合液的超大型非标搅拌釜(全容积580 m3),是3.0 Mt/a浆态床渣油加氢装置的关键核心大型动设备。从混合搅拌釜结构出发,介绍了混合搅拌釜釜体及搅拌器的设计、制造与热处理要求。通过优化结构,改善了凸缘法兰上表面水平度;釜体支撑采用锥形裙座,解决了设备的稳定性及热膨胀问题;采用高效轴流型曲面宽叶片偏心搅拌,有利于不同介质的混合、流动。在设计温度360℃、设计压力1.2 MPa的条件下,混合搅拌釜封头、凸缘法兰和裙座校核合格。

关键词: 浆态床, 渣油加氢装置, 混合搅拌釜, 偏心搅拌, 应力强度, 搅拌器, 热处理