Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 40-43.

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Measurement of VOCs emission flux of the refinery using solar occultation flux remote sensing technique

Liu Xinyu, Li Lingbo, Li Long, Cheng Mengting, Li Baozhong   

  1. SINOPEC (Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-03-16 Online:2023-07-15 Published:2023-07-20


刘新宇, 李凌波, 李龙, 程梦婷, 李宝忠   

  1. 中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司
  • 通讯作者: 李凌波,正高级工程师,学士,研究方向为石油石化环境监测及污染物组学。联系电话:0411-39699111,。
  • 作者简介:刘新宇,工程师,硕士研究生,2014年毕业于大连理工大学高分子材料专业,主要研究方向大气环境监测技术研究与应用。联系电话:15804112169,
  • 基金资助:


The VOCs fugitive emission has become the leading factor of VOCs emissions in refining enterprises. The VOCs emissions estimated by the emission factor method are quite different from the actual ones. In this paper, the emission flux and distribution of non-methane alkanes in a refinery were measured using solar occultation flux(SOF). The emission rate and representative values of non methane alkanes throughout the plant were obtained, the fluctuation of non-methane alkane emissions was studied, and further the VOCs emission flux and distribution were obtained using offline analysis method. The results showed that the effective monitoring data of 26 non-methane alkane emission rates in the whole plant were obtained within 6 monitoring days. The representative emission rate of non-methane alkanes in the refinery was 235.2 kg/h, and the relative standard deviation(RSD) of the average value of the daily emission rate was as high as 60.3%.The emission rate of non-methane alkanes in the tank field and unit area accounted for 70.4% and 21.2% of the total emission. The emission rate of VOCs in the whole plant was 290.8 kg/h, and the emission coefficient was 0.052%. The emission rate of VOCs in the tank field and unit area accounted for 69.1% and 21.2% of the total emission.

Key words: infrared, remote sensing monitoring, refinery, VOCs, emission flux, non-methane alkanes, emission amount, emission rate


挥发性有机物(VOCs)无组织排放已成为炼化企业VOCs排放的主导,排放因子法估算的企业VOCs排放量与实际存在较大偏差。以红外掩日通量遥感测量方法实测了某炼油厂非甲烷烷烃排放通量及分布,得到了全厂非甲烷烷烃排放速率及其代表值,研究了非甲烷烷烃排放波动性,配合离线分析法进一步得到VOCs排放通量及分布。结果表明:6个监测日内共获取全厂26个非甲烷烷烃排放速率有效数据,非甲烷烷烃代表性排放速率为235.2 kg/h,日平均排放速率的相对标准偏差(RSD)高达60.4%,罐区和装置区非甲烷烷烃排放速率占全厂排放速率的70.4%和21.2%,全厂VOCs排放速率为290.8 kg/h,排放系数为0.000 52,罐区和装置区VOCs排放速率占全厂排放速率的68.7%和21.2%。

关键词: 红外, 遥感监测, 炼油厂, VOCs, 排放通量, 非甲烷烷烃, 排放总量, 排放速率,