Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (8): 49-52.

• COMPUTER APPLICATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis and evaluation of the accuracy of friction coefficient formula in turbulent zone

Qi Bingdian   

  1. CNOOC EnerTech-Marketing Service Co.
  • Received:2023-01-13 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-09-25



  1. 中海油能源发展股份有限公司销售服务分公司
  • 作者简介:齐秉典,高级工程师,先后毕业于广东石油学校、中国石油大学(华东)化工机械专业,从事装备技术管理工作,对化工装备、流体密封、设备防腐、CFD模拟等略有研究。联系电话:15602158631,。;


The Colebrook-White formula is widely recognized as the most accurate formula for calculating fluid friction coefficient, but it is an implicit formula for friction coefficient, which takes too much time for complex pipeline network simulation calculations. The accuracy and complexity of explicit approximation formulas for the friction coefficient in turbulent regions vary, and can only be applied to specific conditions with strong limitations. Based on a comprehensive evaluation of the accuracy of these formulas, a new explicit approximate formula(new formula) for the friction coefficient in the turbulent region is proposed. Select 3,381 sets of data for testing and comparison. When the relative roughness of the pipeline is within 1×10-6 to 7×10-2, and the Reynolds number(Re) is within 4×103 to 1×108, the maximum error of the best new formula is only 0.031%, and the root mean square error is only 0.013%. The new formula has a simple form, high accuracy, and is superior to similar formulas. It can replace the Colebrook-White as the standard formula for hydraulic simulation calculation and energy consumption analysis of pipeline engineering.

Key words: turbulent region, friction coefficient calculation, Colebrook-White formula, implicit formula, explicit formula, numerical prediction, error


Colebrook-White公式是公认的准确性最好的流体摩擦系数计算公式,然而它是关于摩擦系数的隐式公式,在进行复杂管道(网)模拟计算时耗时过多。关于湍流区摩擦系数的显式化近似公式准确度、复杂度参差不齐,只能应用于特定条件,应用限制性强。在对这些公式的准确性进行综合评价的基础上,提出了湍流区摩擦系数新显式化近似公式(新公式)。选取3 381组数据测试对比,在管道的相对粗糙度取值1×10-6~7×10-2,雷诺数取值4×103~1×108时,新公式的最大误差仅为0.031%,均方根误差仅为0.013%。新公式形式简单,精度高,优于同类型公式,可替代Colebrook-White隐式公式作为管道工程水利模拟计算与能耗分析的标准公式。

关键词: 湍流区, 摩擦系数计算, Colebrook-White公式, 隐式公式, 显式公式, 数值预测, 误差