Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 33-36.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of the impact of regenerated flue gas dust from catalytic cracking unit on the operation of flue gas turbine

Du Jianwen   

  1. SINOPEC Catalyst Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-06-28 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-19



  1. 中国石化催化剂有限公司
  • 作者简介:杜建文,正高级工程师,大学本科,2001年毕业于大庆石油学院化学工程与工艺专业,主要研究方向为炼油总流程优化、技术改造项目管理及催化裂化催化剂应用技术服务等。联系电话:18607306923,。;


The article analyzes the changes of dust content in the regenerated flue gas at the inlet and outlet of the third stage cyclone separator of a catalytic cracking(FCC) unit. Combined the particle size distribution of fresh catalyst, regenerator equilibrium agent, and fine powder of the third stage cyclone in the FCC unit, the impacts of the separation efficiency of three different FCC units' regenerator primary, secondary, and tertiary cyclone separators on the dust content in the flue gas are compared and analyzed. When the dust content in the flue gas at the inlet of the flue gas turbine(i.e. the third stage cyclone outlet) exceeds the design value, especially when the volume proportion of dust with a particle size greater than 10 μm exceeds 5%, the higher the content of large particle dust, the greater the impact on the normal operation of the flue gas turbine, elevated vibration values of the flue gas turbine are prone to occur, endangering the operation of the flue gas turbine. Therefore, it is recommended to control the dust content of the entire process of regeneration flue gas. The dust content at the third stage cyclone inlet should not exceed 600 mg/m3. The dust content at the outlet of the third stage cyclone shall not exceed 150 mg/m3, while the volume proportion of particles with a particle size greater than 10 μm shall not exceed 5%.

Key words: catalytic cracking unit, regeneration flue gas, dust concentration, fresh catalyst, equilibrium catalyst, fine powder of the third stage cyclone, particle size distribution


对催化裂化(FCC)装置再生烟气在三级旋风分离器(三旋)入口及出口的粉尘浓度进行了分析,结合FCC装置新鲜剂、再生器平衡剂、三旋细粉的粒径分布,对比分析了3套FCC装置再生器一级、二级、三级旋风分离器分离效率对烟气粉尘浓度的影响。结果表明:当烟气轮机入口(即三旋出口)烟气中粉尘浓度超过设计要求时,特别是粉尘中粒径大于10μm的颗粒体积占比超过5%时,大颗粒粉尘浓度越高对烟气轮机运行的影响越大,容易出现烟气轮机振动值升高等问题。因此,建议控制再生烟气在全流程的粉尘浓度:在三旋入口的质量浓度不大于600 mg/m3;在三旋出口的质量浓度不大于150 mg/m3,其中粒径大于10μm的颗粒体积占比不大于5%。

关键词: 催化裂化装置, 再生烟气, 粉尘浓度, 新鲜剂, 平衡剂, 三旋细粉, 粒径分布