Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (11): 32-36.

• DESIGN METHOD • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on process design of hydrogen vent system in hydrogen fuelling station

Sun Yingfan, Xu Xingwen, Ding Meifeng   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-07-14 Online:2023-11-15 Published:2023-11-21


孙英蕃, 徐兴文, 丁梅峰   

  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:孙英蕃,工程师,研究生,主要从事油气储运工程设计工作。联系电话:020-22193406,。;
  • 基金资助:


The venting system of hydrogen fuelling station is studied from the perspective of system configuration, process design and installation layout of venting system. The selection of safety valve, process design of pipeline system and vent stack are discussed. The impact of safety valve relief capacity and flame arrester setting on the entire plumbing and the vent header is demonstrated, suggestions are made for the selection of different flame arresting methods, and the installation and layout requirements of the vent system are summarized. It has been demonstrated that redundant selection of safety valves and blind use of flame arresters will increase the design requirements of the pipeline system and vent stack. In terms of design, it is recommended to reasonably select safety valves while meeting the discharge requirements. Flame arresting methods should be selected according to the application scenarios, and the overall specifications of the pipeline system and vent stack should be calculated. In terms of installation and layout, on the basis of meeting the fire prevention distance specified in the specifications, full consideration should be given to pipeline flexibility, grounding, and lightning protection requirements to ensure the safe and smooth discharge of hydrogen.

Key words: hydrogen fuelling station, hydrogen, vent system, process design, pressure relief device, flame arresting method, pipe system, installation and layout

摘要: 从放空系统配置、工艺设计及安装布置等角度对高压加氢站放空系统开展研究。对安全阀选型、管路系统及放空总管的工艺设计进行了论述。针对安全阀泄放量及阻火器设置对整个管路系统和放空总管的影响进行了论证,对不同阻火方式的选择提出了建议,总结了放空系统的安装布置要求。经论证,安全阀选型冗余和阻火器盲目使用会提高氢气放空管路系统和放空总管的设计要求。设计上建议在满足泄放要求下,合理选用安全阀,根据应用场景选用阻火方式,对管路系统和放空总管规格进行整体核算。安装布置时,在满足规范规定的防火间距基础上,充分考虑管道柔性、接地和防雷要求,保证氢气能够安全通畅排放。

关键词: 高压加氢站, 氢气, 放空系统, 工艺设计, 安全泄放装置, 阻火方式, 管路系统, 安装布置