Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (12): 10-13.

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Summary of efficient utilization of refinery naphtha in a refining and chemical enterprise

Tu Liantao, Xue Xinchao, Yang Youwen, Guo Qiang, Tuo Xiaofei   

  1. PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.
  • Received:2023-08-25 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2023-12-20


涂连涛, 薛新超, 杨有文, 郭强, 妥小飞   

  1. 中国石油独山子石化分公司
  • 作者简介:涂连涛,高级工程师,2007年毕业于南京工业大学化学工程与工艺专业,从事技术发展管理工作,主要研究方向为生产优化和腐蚀防护。联系电话:0992-3871157,。


The efficient utilization of refinery naphtha has an important impact on the economic benefit of the integrated refinery and chemical enterprises. The problems existing in the production process of CDU naphtha, hydrogenation naphtha, light and heavy naphtha of hydrocracking unit in a refinery were analyzed. The optimization measures were put forward according to the molecular management concept of “making ethylene if it is suitable for ethylene, making aromatics if it is suitable for aromatics, making oil if it is suitable for oil”. Changes in the blending ratio of crude oil result in a decrease in the mass fraction of paraffin in CDU naphtha. It is suggested to optimize the quality and yield of naphtha by “planning in advance” and “dynamic adjustment”. The final boiling point of hydrogenated naphtha increased from 190 ℃ to 230~240 ℃, the yield increased from 22% to 30%~40%, the mass fraction of paraffin decreased from 70% to 60%~65%, and it was still a relatively high quality cracking feedstock. Mass fraction of chain paraffin in the crude naphtha in the stripper of the hydrogenation unit reached 74.17%, so it was turned to the light hydrocarbon system of the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit. Thus, CDU naphtha yield increased by 0.5 percentage points, and the high quality ethylene feedstock was increased effectively. The model of oil and gas pipeline at the top of the hydrocracking stripper was established by HYSYS. The optimal target of temperature at the top of the tower was determined through calculation, and the temperature was controlled at no less than 95 ℃ in summer and 98 ℃ in winter, respectively.

Key words: refining and chemical enterprise, refining naphtha, catalytic cracking diesel, group composition, final boiling point, paraffin



关键词: 炼化企业, 炼油石脑油, 催化裂化柴油, 族组成, 终馏点, 链烷烃