炼油技术与工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 28-32.

• 机械设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


管生洲, 高晋, 邓瑞珍   

  1. 陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司榆林炼油厂,陕西省榆林市 718500
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-04 修回日期:2020-11-04 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2021-07-16
  • 作者简介:管生洲,工程师,硕士,2011年毕业于西北大学有机化学专业,现从事石油炼制生产技术管理工作。联系电话:0912-4610593,E-mail:guanshzh@163.com。

Analysis on gas pulsation and piping vibration in the piping system of fresh hydrogen compressor

Guan Shengzhou, Gao Jin, Deng Ruizhen   

  1. Yulin Refinery of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Yulin, Shaanxi 718500
  • Received:2020-08-04 Revised:2020-11-04 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-07-16

摘要: 对柴油加氢装置新氢压缩机管路系统进行了气流脉动和管道振动响应计算与分析,找出气流脉动、机械共振、工艺介质纯度降低、支架及支撑平台刚性不足、管道弯头过多及走向不合理等是引起振动增大的主要原因。对技术改造后的管路系统进行气流脉动和振动比较计算分析,实测结果表明:改造后相同工况下,管道MV11901处法兰、一级进气切断球阀处、一级进气缓冲器、一级进气注氮气管道等振动严重处,振动频率调整到12,9,7,12 Hz,避开了机组前三阶激发频率,振动速度分别由8.9,2.8,4.9,15.3 mm/s减少到1.6,2.3,2.6,3.2 mm/s,振动位移分别由0.360,0.540,0.509,0.408 mm降低至0.064,0.085,0.050,0.073 mm,证明了改造措施的有效性。

关键词: 新氢压缩机, 管道系统, 气流脉动, 管道振动, 模态分析, 减振措施

Abstract: The gas pulsation and piping vibration of piping system of the new hydrogen compressor in the diesel hydrogenation unit are calculated and analysized. It is found that gas pulsation, mechanical resonance, reduction of medium purity, insufficient rigidity of the support and support platform, pipeline with excessive elbows and unreasonable directions are the main causes of vibration increase. The gas pulsation and piping vibration of the adjusted pipeline system are calculated and analyzed, and the results show that under the same working conditions after the transformation, the flange of MV11901 pipeline, the first-stage intake cut-off ball valve, the first-stage intake buffer, and the nitrogen injection pipeline of the first stage air intake have severely vibrations, and the vibration frequency is adjusted to 12,9,7,12 Hz respectively, avoiding the first three excitation frequencies of the unit, and the vibration speed is respectively reduced from 8.9,2.8,4.9,15.3 mm/s to 1.6,2.3,2.6,3.2 mm/s, and the vibration displacement is reduced from 0.360,0.540,0.509,0.408 mm to 0.064,0.085,0.050,0.073 mm, which prove the effectiveness of the revamping measures.

Key words: fresh hydrogen compressor, piping system, gas pulsation, piping vibration, mode analysis, vibration reduction measures