Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (12): 7-10.

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Industrial application of hydrotreating of inferior residual oil in upflow reactor

Zhang Peng, Yu Changwang, Zhao Wanghua   

  1. SINOCHEM Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Quanzhou, Fujian 362103
  • Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-15



  1. 中化泉州石化有限公司,福建省泉州市 362103
  • 作者简介:张鹏,中级工程师,2008年毕业于内蒙古科技大学化学工程与工艺专业,主要从事加氢工艺管理工作。联系电话:18965551226,

Abstract: SINOCHEM Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. 3.3 MM TPY residue hydrotreating unit (RDS) is one of the core process units of phase Ⅰ 12 MM TPY oil refining project. The unit introduces Chevron UFR-VRDS process and forms a combined heavy oil technology processing route with fluid catalytic cracking (FCC). The crude oil of the whole plant is designed according to the properties of Middle East heavy Kuwait crude oil. The mixed feedstock of atmospheric residue, vacuum residue, vacuum heavy gas oil, coker light gas oil and coker heavy gas oil mainly produce hydrogenated residue directly as feedstock for heavy oil catalytic cracking, and produce a certain amount of diesel and naphtha. The operation of upflow reactor process technology in the treatment of inferior residue in residue hydrotreating unit is summarized. Combined with the actual production situation of the unit, the operation difficulties of upflow reactor are summarized, and optimization suggestions are put forward.

Key words: upflow reactor, fixed bed reactor, catalyst, radial temperature difference, pressure drop

摘要: 中化泉州石化有限公司3.3 Mt/a渣油加氢处理装置(RDS)是该公司一期12 Mt/a炼油项目核心工艺装置之一,装置引进Chevron UFRVRDS工艺,并与催化裂化(FCC)形成联合重油加工技术路线,全厂原油按照中东重质科威特原油性质为设计参照。装置设计为处理常压渣油、减压渣油、减压重蜡油、焦化轻蜡油、焦化重蜡油的混合原料,主要产品是直接作为重油催化裂化原料的加氢渣油,同时副产一定量的柴油和石脑油。对渣油加氢处理装置上流式反应器工艺技术在处理劣质渣油过程中的运行进行了总结,并结合生产情况总结了上流式反应器的操作难点,提出了优化建议。

关键词: 劣质渣油, 上流式反应器, 固定床反应器, 催化剂, 径向温差, 压力降