Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 5-8.

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Study on the blending technology and stability of low sulful marine fuel oil

Yan Shichuang, Wu Yue, Qi Xingguo, Feng Duoxue   

  1. Petrochina Dalian Petrochemical Company, Dalian Liaoning 116032
  • Received:2020-06-16 Revised:2020-12-10 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-07-16


颜世闯, 吴越, 祁兴国, 冯多学   

  1. 中国石油大连石化公司,辽宁省大连市 116032
  • 作者简介:颜世闯,高级工程师,工学硕士,从事炼油厂系统优化和油品调合管理工作。联系电话:0411-86772573,。

Abstract: Enthusiasm of domestic refineries to produce low sulfur marine fuel oil increased due to IMO's new regulation on sulfur limitation of marine fuel oil and adjustment of national bonded fuel oil policy. Low sulfur marine fuel oil is produced from low sulfur atmospheric residue, hydrogenation residue, coker gas oil, FCC slurry and solvent deasphalting oil. The blending test of low sulfur marine residual fuel oil is carried out in a refinery by using FCC diesel, hydrocracking tail oil, hydrogenated atmospheric residue, clarified slurry and catalytic recycle oil and different blending formulas are obtained. For the blending samples which meet the standard of marine fuel oil, the cleanliness and compatibility of the samples are tested by spot test. The cleanliness and compatibility of the sample in the spot test are grade 1, and the stability of the oil has no problem.

Key words: low sulful, marine fuel oil, blending technology, stability, spot test

摘要: 2020年1月1日起IMO(国际海事组织)实施船用燃料油限硫新规,国家燃料油保税政策进行相应调整,国内炼油厂生产低硫船用燃料油积极性提高,分别用低硫常压渣油、加氢渣油、焦化蜡油、催化裂化油浆、溶剂脱沥青油为主要原料生产低硫船用燃料油。某炼油厂利用催化裂化柴油、加氢裂化尾油、加氢常压渣油、澄清油浆和催化裂化回炼油进行了低硫船用残渣燃料油调合试验,获得了不同的调合配方。针对符合船用燃料油标准的调合样品,应用斑点试验测试了样品的清洁度和相容性,样品的斑点试验清洁度、相容性为1级,油品稳定性无问题。

关键词: 低硫, 船用燃料油, 调合工艺, 稳定性, 斑点试验