Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (5): 60-63.

• OIL PRODUCT AND ADDITIVE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis and suggestions on resource utilization of styrene tar

Ma Xianbo   

  1. SINOPEC Hainan Refinery & Chemical Co., Ltd., Yangpu, Hainan 578101
  • Received:2020-11-23 Revised:2021-02-25 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-07-16



  1. 中国石化海南炼油化工有限公司,海南 洋浦 578101
  • 作者简介:马献波,高级工程师,从事乙苯/苯乙烯生产技术管理工作。联系电话:18689880977,。

Abstract: The main sources of tar in styrene unit by ethylbenzene dehydrogenation are briefly introduced. The main components of styrene tar are introduced. It points out the shortcomings of the method that styrene tar is put into incinerator as hazardous wastes at present. The existing ways of resource utilization of styrene tar and its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Although its high calorific value can be used as furnace fuel oil, it is limited by the nitrogen content of styrene polymerization inhibitor and the emission value of NOx content in exhaust gas. Returning to delayed coking unit, the operation of fractionating tower will not be affected, but the added value of coking products is too low. Returning to FCC unit, it will lead to operation fluctuations caused by styrene polymerization. The suggestions that styrene tar should be used as cement water reducer or to extract trans-stilbene crystal are put forward. It provides a new idea for efficient, green and legal resource utilization of styrene tar.

Key words: styrene, tar, resource utilization, hazardous waste, trans-stilbene

摘要: 简述了乙苯脱氢法制苯乙烯装置焦油的主要来源,介绍了苯乙烯焦油的主要成分,指出了目前将焦油作为危险废物进焚烧炉燃烧的处置方式存在的不足,对现有苯乙烯焦油资源化利用的途径及其利弊进行了分析:其热值高可以作为加热炉燃料,但是受到苯乙烯阻聚剂含有氮元素以及烟气中氮氧化物排放值的限制;进延迟焦化装置回炼不会对焦化装置分馏塔造成较大影响,但焦化产生的产品附加值太低;进催化裂化装置回炼会因苯乙烯聚合造成催化裂化装置的操作波动。提出了利用焦油作为水泥减水剂或者提取反式1,2-二苯乙烯结晶体工业化的建议,为苯乙烯焦油高效、绿色、合法合规地资源化利用提供了新思路。

关键词: 苯乙烯, 焦油, 资源化利用, 危险废物, 反式1,2-二苯乙烯