Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 64-67.

• SAFETY AND HEALTH • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design points of fresh air system of blast resistant buildings in petrochemical enterprises

Zhang Jun   

  1. SINOPEC Luoyang Engineering Co., Ltd., Luoyang,Henan 471003
  • Received:2021-03-19 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-07-14



  1. 中石化洛阳工程有限公司,河南省洛阳市 471003
  • 作者简介:张俊,大学本科,高级工程师,技术副总监,1986年毕业于西安冶金建筑学院供热及通风专业,主要从事暖通空调设计及研究工作。联系电话:020-22192908,。

Abstract: There are many differences between the design of fresh air systems of blast resistant buildings and non-blast resistant buildings in petrochemical enterprises. The fresh air systems shall be designed separately based on the function of the rooms and and the fresh air volume needs to be increased appropriately. In addition to the conventional purification treatment, the fresh air system also needs chemical purification to remove harmful gases. The heat and moisture treatment needs to fully consider the problem of energy saving, avoid the cold and heat offset, and try to recover the energy taken away by the exhaust air. The air intake position of fresh air shall be clean. When explosion occurs around the building, the antiknock valve will automatically close to prevent the damage caused by external explosion shock wave to the building, and close the electric airtight valve and fresh air unit to prevent the toxic and combustible gas from entering the building. According to the issues mentioned above, put forward some feasible measures to insure the fresh air quality and the reliability of the fresh air system.

Key words: petrochemical enterprises, blast resistant buildings, fresh air system, purify, heat and moisture treatment, antiknock valve, airtight valve, gas detection alarm

摘要: 石油化工企业抗爆建筑物的新风系统在设计上与非抗爆建筑物有很多不同之处,需要按功能性房间和办公性质房间分别设置,新风量需要适当加大。除了需要设置常规净化处理外还需进行化学净化去除有害气体,热湿处理需要充分考虑节能问题,避免冷热抵消,尽量回收排风带走的能量。新风取气口位置要保证空气清洁,当建筑物周围发生爆炸时抗爆阀自动关闭阻挡外部爆炸冲击波对建筑物的破坏,同时关闭电动密闭阀和新风机组,防止外界的有毒和可燃气体进入建筑物。根据上述各个方面的需要进行深入研究,提出了切实可行的方法和措施来确保新风的品质和新风系统的可靠性。

关键词: 石油化工企业, 抗爆建筑物, 新风系统, 净化, 热湿处理, 抗爆阀, 密闭阀, 气体检测报警