Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (1): 11-15.

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Study of ozone on the treatment of alkali residue

Yang Zhenxing1,2, Xie Wenyu1, Li Dehao1   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Pollution Process and Control,Guangdong University of  Petrochemical Technology, Maoming, Guangdong 525000; 2.College of Science, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102249
  • Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-18



  1. 1.广东石油化工学院石油化工污染过程与控制重点实验室,广东省茂名市 525000; 2.中国石油大学(北京) 理学院,北京市 102249 
  • 通讯作者: 谢文玉,教授,博士研究生。联系电话:13828683450,。
  • 作者简介:杨振兴,在读博士研究生,中国石油大学(北京)化学工程与技术专业,研究方向为炼油厂环境废水的处理。联系电话:18810651736,。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In this paper, ozone oxidation was used to treat refinery alkaline residue, the effect of reaction conditions on ozone treatment of refinery alkali residue was explored by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment method, and the influence of ozone oxidation on the products and biodegradability of refinery alkali residue was investigated. The results showed that the reaction temperature and time were the main factors  affecting the ozone treatment of alkali residue, while the amount of ozone was  the secondary factor, and the optimal condition of ozone oxidation of refinery alkali residue was that the reaction temperature, the amount of ozone, and the reaction time were 50 ℃, 150 L/h, and 75 min, respectively. Under these conditions, the COD removal rate of refinery alkali residue was about 50%. Ozone can transform and degrade macromolecular organic matter in refinery alkali residue illustrated in GC-MS total ion chromatogram (TIC) to reduce the toxicity of refinery alkali residue. The COD removal rate of ozone oxidized refinery alkali residue treated by activated sludge can be increased by 1.7 times, indicating that ozone oxidation can obviously improve the biodegradability of refinery alkali residue. In conclusion, ozonation can be used as pretreatment technology of refinery alkali residue before entering biochemical treatment system in refinery.

Key words: ozonation oxidation, refinery alkali residue, orthogonal experiment method, reaction conditions, COD removal rate, organic matter, biodegradability

摘要: 采用臭氧氧化法处理炼油碱渣,利用单因素实验和正交实验法探究反应条件对臭氧处理炼油碱渣的影响,并探讨臭氧对炼油碱渣的产物及可生化性的影响。结果表明:反应温度和反应时间是臭氧处理碱渣的主要影响因素,臭氧通入量是次要影响因素;最佳反应条件为反应温度50 ℃,臭氧通入量150 L/h,反应时间75 min;最佳反应条件下,炼油碱渣的化学需氧量(COD)去除率约为50%;气相色谱质谱联用仪总离子流图显示,臭氧可以转化和降解炼油碱渣中的大分子有机物,降低炼油碱渣的毒性;活性污泥处理经臭氧氧化后的炼油碱渣,COD的去除率可提高1.7倍,表明臭氧氧化法可明显提高炼油碱渣的可生化性。综上表明,臭氧氧化法可作为炼油碱渣进入生化系统前的预处理技术。

关键词: 臭氧氧化法, 炼油碱渣, 正交实验法, 反应条件, COD去除率, 有机物, 可生化性