Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 37-40.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Fault analysis and technical transformation of program control valves in S Zorb unit

Wang Xiufan, Zhang Youchao, Li Yongqiang   

  1. SINOPEC Qingdao Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-05-13 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21

S Zorb装置程控阀故障分析与技术改造

王秀凡, 张友超, 李永强   

  1. 中国石化青岛炼油化工有限责任公司
  • 作者简介:王秀凡,中级职称,本科,毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化学工程与工艺专业,主要从事S Zorb装置技术管理工作。联系电话:13608981829,。


The program control valve of S Zorb lock hopper is used to isolate the high-pressure hydrogen and low-pressure oxygen containing environment. The large temperature difference and pressure difference, frequent switching between hydrogen and oxygen environment, severe operating conditions, and high switching action frequency, it easy to occur such as switch timeout, wear, jamming, internal leakage and other problems. High failure rate, high maintenance cost and high risk have always been the thorny problems affecting the long-term operation of the unit. In this paper, the above problems are deeply analyzed and optimized. Through the reduction of the pressure relief hole of the instrument air, the transformation of the valve structure, the use of two position five-way switching mode and the use of fork cylinder valves, the frequent faults of the program control valves are effectively solved. The shortest service life of the valves is increased from 7 months in the previous cycle to 18 months in this cycle. Most valves have been in normal use for more than 31 months. It effectively prevents the internal leakage of the valve. Save about 6 tons adsorbent every year, and saved more than 1.2 million yuan of adsorbent cost every year.

Key words: S Zorb unit, program control valves, fault analysis, vibration, switch timeout, jamming, wear

摘要: S Zorb装置闭锁料斗程控阀用于隔离高压临氢和低压含氧环境,温差、压差大,氢、氧环境切换频繁,运行工况严苛,开关动作频率高,易出现开关超时、磨损、卡涩、内漏等问题,故障率高,维护成本高,风险大,一直是影响S Zorb装置长周期运行的棘手问题。针对以上问题进行深度分析和优化改造,通过将仪表风泄压孔缩径、将阀门结构改造为两位五通的开关方式、改用拨叉式气缸阀门等措施,有效解决了程控阀频繁故障的问题,阀门的最短使用寿命由上周期的7个月提高到本周期的18个月,多数阀门已经连续使用31个月以上,有效防止了阀门内漏,每年节约吸附剂6 t左右,吸附剂的成本每年节省120万元以上。

关键词: S Zorb装置, 程控阀, 故障分析, 振动, 开关超时, 卡涩, 磨损