Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 45-47.

• OIL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Summary of technical reform of VOCs recovery unit in storage tank farm of a petrochemical enterprise

Yao Zhi   

  1. Chengdu Yizhi Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • Received:2022-05-11 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21



  1. 成都益志科技有限责任公司
  • 作者简介:姚智,工程师,硕士,2016年毕业于四川大学项目管理专业,主要研究方向为工业气体分离、净化与提纯。联系电话:18628390971,。


In recent years, with the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China has issued relevant pollutant emission standards. The emission requirements for volatile organic compounds(VOCs) have been raised from 25,000 mg/m3 to 120 mg/m3. The eastern coastal areas of China have implemented stricter emission standards. A complete set of VOCs recovery unit was built for the oil and gas produced by volatilization during storage and transportation. Due to certain design defects of the original VOCs recovery device, the VOCs emission in the exhaust gas does not meet the standard requirements, and the mass concentration reaches 3,000~5,000 mg/m3, which can only be discharged after being treated by the catalytic oxidation device. After in-depth analysis of the causes of non-compliance of the exhaust gas of VOCs device, by optimizing the process flow of VOCs recovery device and improving the ratio of adsorbent, the VOCs content of the exhaust gas of VOCs recovery unit can be controlled within 50 mg/m3, which can achieve direct standard discharge, so as to effectively reduce the load of catalytic oxidation device, and fully recover oil and gas hydrocarbon resources, which has good economic and environmental protection value.

Key words: storage tank farm, VOCs recycle unit, pressure swing adsorption, oil and gas absorption, catalytic oxidation, NMHC, absorbing temperature, adsorbent;


近年来随着环保要求的提高,国家环保部发布了相关污染物排放标准,对挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的排放要求从不大于25 000 mg/m3提高到不大于120 mg/m3,国内东部沿海地区执行了更严格的排放标准。东部沿海地区某石化企业针对储运过程挥发产生的油气投建了配套的VOCs回收装置,由于原VOCs回收装置存在一定设计缺陷,导致排放气中VOCs排放不达标,质量浓度达3 000~5 000 mg/m3,需再经过催化氧化装置处理后才能实现达标排放。对不达标的原因进行深入分析,通过优化VOCs回收装置的工艺流程以及改进吸附剂配比等技术改造,VOCs回收装置排放气的VOCs质量浓度可控制在50 mg/m3以内,可实现直接达标排放,有效降低了催化氧化装置的负荷,同时可充分回收油气烃类资源,具有较好的经济和环保价值。

关键词: 储运罐区, VOCs回收装置, 变压吸附, 油气吸收, 催化氧化, 非甲烷总烃, 吸收温度, 吸附剂