Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (12): 54-57.

• ENERGY UTILIZATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization of energy recovery system at the low main air flow in 3.5 MM TPY RFCC unit

Wu Zhangzhu, Wu Yibo, Lu Weixuan, Lan Yuda   

  1. PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company Operation Department (Ⅰ)
  • Received:2022-05-11 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-12-21

3.5 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置低主风量工况能量回收系统优化

吴章柱, 吴乙博, 鲁维轩, 蓝玉达   

  1. 中国石油广西石化公司生产一部
  • 作者简介:吴章柱,高级工程师,毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化工专业,从事催化裂化装置工艺技术管理。。


The output power of the flue gas expander is decreased and the motor power of the main air blower is increased under the low load condition of regenerator in a company's RFCC unit. Through the calculation and analysis of the recovery power of the flue gas expander, the main reason affecting the efficiency of the expander is that the opening of the expander inlet butterfly valve is small and the pressure drop of this valve is high, inlet pressure of flue gas expander is low. Under the condition that the differential pressure between the two reactors remains unchanged, the pressure of the reaction regeneration system is depressed. The regeneration pressure is reduced from 172 kPa to 160 kPa, and the reaction pressure is reduced from 132 kPa to 120 kPa. After optimization, the opening of the butterfly valve at the inlet of the flue gas expander increases by 4.9 percentage points, the pressure drop of the butterfly valve decreases by 20 kPa, the inlet pressure of the flue gas turbine increases by 8 kPa, the efficiency of the flue gas expander of the energy recovery system increases by 1.9 percentage points, and the power consumption of the motor of the main fan unit decreases by 1 002 kW; In the reaction products, the dry gas yield decreases by 0.05 percentage points, the LPG yield increases by 0.06 percentage points, the gasoline yield increases by 0.34 percentage points, and the coke yield decreases by 0.10 percentage points.

Key words: RFCC unit, the low load condition of regenerator, energy recovery system, the motor power of the flue gas expander, coke burning intensity, steam consumption of the turbine


某公司重油催化裂化装置在再生器低负荷工况下,烟机输出功率下降,主风机机组电耗高。经过对烟机回收功率计算分析,低烟气量下影响烟机效率主要原因在于烟机入口蝶阀开度小、压力降高,烟机入口压力低。在两器差压不变情况下对反应再生系统压力进行降压优化,再生压力从172 kPa降至160 kPa,反应压力从132 kPa降至120 kPa。优化后,烟机入口蝶阀开度增加4.9百分点,蝶阀压力降下降20 kPa,烟机入口压力提高8 kPa,能量回收系统烟机效率提高1.9百分点,主风机组电机功耗下降1 002 kW;反应产物中干气收率下降0.05百分点,液化石油气收率提高0.06百分点,汽油收率提高0.34百分点,焦炭收率下降0.10百分点。

关键词: 重油催化裂化装置, 低主风量工况, 能量回收系统, 烟机回收功率, 烧焦强度, 汽轮机蒸汽耗量