Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (5): 11-14.

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Experimental study of hydrotreating on inferior residue feedstock in a foreign refinery

Geng Xinguo, Weng Yanbo, Jin Jianhui, Wang Zhiwu, Yuan Shenghua   

  1. SINOPEC Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Dalian, Liaoning 116045
  • Received:2022-01-18 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-17



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司大连石油化工研究院,辽宁省大连市 116045
  • 作者简介:耿新国,高级工程师,大学本科,2001年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)精细化工专业,主要从事重油加氢技术工作。联系电话:0411-39699796,。

Abstract: In order to meet the actual demand of a refinery for processing inferior residue feedstock, and to ensure long-term and stable operation of residue hydrotreating unit, the stability test of residue hydrotreating and feedstock optimization test with different catalyst grading systems are conducted. The stability test results show that: the optimized catalyst gradation can meet the demand of 150 days running, and the removal rate of various impurities can meet the requirements of technical indicators. Compared with the grading of conventional residue hydrogenation catalyst, the catalyst can process high metal, high carbon and low-quality residue, increase the proportion of protective agent and demetallizing agent, the overall activity of the catalyst system is not significantly reduced, the impurity removal effect is better, and the bed temperature rise is easier to control. The results of feedstock optimization test show that: for the inferior residue, the higher the blending ratio of deasphalting oil, the better the reaction performance; when the blending ratio reaches 40%, the residual carbon value of the product in the whole operation cycle can meet the actual production requirements of the unit while meeting the service life requirements of the catalyst.

Key words: residue hydrotreating, feedstock, stability test, reaction temperature, CCR, sulfur content, metal content, DAO

摘要: 为了满足某炼油厂渣油加氢装置加工劣质渣油的实际需求,确保装置长周期平稳运行,开展了不同催化剂级配体系渣油加氢稳定性试验和原料优化试验。稳定性试验结果表明:优化后的催化剂级配可以满足该炼油厂催化剂使用寿命达150 d的要求,各项杂质的脱除率均达到了技术指标要求。与常规渣油加氢催化剂级配相比,加工高金属、高残炭劣质渣油时提高保护剂及脱金属剂的比例,催化剂体系的整体活性没有明显降低,杂质脱除效果更优,且床层温升更易控制。原料优化试验结果表明:对该劣质渣油,脱沥青油掺炼比例越高,反应性能越好;当掺炼比例达到40%时,在满足催化剂使用寿命要求的同时,整个运行周期中产物的残炭可以满足装置的实际生产要求。

关键词: 渣油加氢, 原料油, 稳定性试验, 反应温度, 残炭, 硫含量, 金属含量, 脱沥青油