Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (7): 48-55.

• COMPUTER APPLICATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation for the standard of oil-hydrogen refueling station based on CFD

Su Shengli;Li Shaopeng   

  1. SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation
  • Received:2022-03-25 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-07-15



  1. 中国石化工程建设有限公司
  • 作者简介:苏胜利,中国石化工程建设有限公司首席专家,高级工程师,大学本科学历,1985年毕业于西北大学化工机械系。。;


The oil-hydrogen combined station is an ideal transition plan for the development of hydrogen station infrastructure, but its design and construction standards are still very scarce. Based on the preparation process of the SINOPEC enterprise standard Q/SH 0829—2021 Safety Technical Specifications for Hydrogen and Oil-Hydrogen Refueling Stations, using CFD technology, in the construction project of an oil-hydrogen combined station, the model of an oil-hydrogen combined station is used for modeling, and representative accident scenarios are selected to study the impact of accidents such as diffusion, jet fire and gas cloud explosion after the leakage of high-pressure hydrogen storage facilities in the oil-hydrogen combined station. Risk prevention and control measures are proposed based on current standards and simulation results. Conclusions in this study are conducive to improving the intrinsic safety level and emergency response capabilities of oil-hydrogen combined station and also provides a basis for the supplement and improvement of the standards of the hydrogen refueling station, with significant significance of promotion and demonstration.

Key words: CFD simulation, oil-hydrogen combined station, high-pressure hydrogen storage facilities, leakage analysis, diffusion, jet fire, gas cloud explosion


油氢合建站是目前发展加氢站基础设施的理想过渡方案,但是其设计、建设等标准仍十分缺乏。以中国石化企业标准Q/SH 0829—2021《加氢站、油氢合建站安全技术规范》的编制过程为基础,采用计算流体动力学(CFD)技术,在某油氢合建站建设项目中,使用模型进行建模,选择有代表性的事故场景,研究油氢合建站内高压储氢设施泄漏后发生扩散、喷射火、气云爆炸等事故的影响。结合现行标准规范的要求和数值模拟的结果,提出有针对性的风险防控措施,有利于提升油氢合建站的本质安全水平及应急响应能力,并对加氢站标准的补充完善提供依据,有显著的推广和示范意义。

关键词: CFD模拟, 油氢合建站, 高压储氢设施, 泄漏分析, 扩散, 喷射火, 气云爆炸