Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 1-7.

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Technology and progress in crude oil to chemicals Part two: catalytic cracking technology and DPC basic catalytic cutting technology

Wu Qing   

  1. CNOOC Department of Science & Technology and Information CNOOC Institute of Chemicals & New Materials
  • Received:2022-02-18 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-15



  1. 中国海洋石油集团有限公司科技信息部 中海油化工与新材料科学研究院
  • 作者简介:吴青,正高级工程师,工学博士,中国海洋石油集团有限公司科技信息部总工程师,中海油化工与新材料科学研究院院长,本刊指导委员会委员,研究方向为其提出的油气资源分子工程与分子管理、碱性催化等理念与技术的研究开发与工程化、产业化。联系电话:010-84520123,。


Under the situation of declining petroleum demand and the advent of the oil consumption peak but strong demand for chemical products, it is an inevitable trend for refining industry with serious excess capacity to transform to chemical industry. Crude oil to chemicals(COTC) technology includes crude oil steam cracking(thermal cracking), catalytic cracking(acidic catalysis), DPC basic catalytic cutting technologies(basic catalysis). This paper is the second part of the report, mainly introduces the status and development trend of catalytic cracking in COTC industrialization and on-going of research and development. The core principle and main characteristics of catalytic cracking technology following the carboncation reaction mechanism are analyzed, and the research and development and industrial application of DPC basic catalytic cutting technology following the carbanion reaction mechanism are disclosed. On the basis of this, suggestions on the classification of COTC technologies are put forward, and the respective and mutual integrative development of COTC technologies of steam cracking, catalytic crackingand DPC basic catalytic cutting technology are pro-spected.

Key words: crude oil to chemicals(COTC), crude oil steam cracking technology, catalytic cracking technology, DPC basic catalytic cutting technology, free radical reaction mechanism, carbocation reaction mechanism, carbanion reaction mechanism, integrative development



关键词: 热裂化, 酸催化, 碱催化, 自由基机理, 正碳离子机理, 负碳离子机理, 集成融合