Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 56-59.

• ENERGY UTILIZATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Energy saving potential analysis and recovery of IGCC unit in refining-petrochemical integration enterprises

He Beiqi   

  1. Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-03-29 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-15



  1. 福建联合石油化工有限公司
  • 作者简介:何北奇,高级工程师,本科,1990年毕业于石油大学热能工程专业,从事炼油化工一体化项目公用工程技术管理。联系电话:15859730617,。


The energy saving potential and recovery of IGCC(integrated gasification combined cycle) unit in an refining-petrochemical integration company are analyzed. IGCC unit is the utility island of refining-petrochemical integration project, and provides most of hydrogen, super high pressure steam, high pressure steam and some of the power required by refining-petrochemical integration project. The water consumption of the unit is only 34% of that of boiler power generation unit of the same scale, the annual water saving is about 9 million tons, and the emission concentration of SO2 and NOx in flue gas is low. As IGCC unit is the integration of multiple technologies and units, the energy recovery equipment of the unit itself is incomplete, there is a lot of low temperature heat that is not recovered, and the exhaust gas temperature of POX steam superheater and gas turbine waste heat boiler is high, resulting in a great loss of energy. The discharge capacity of POX waste heat boiler is larger than that of conventional boiler, and the heat loss of the discharge is large. The unreasonable state of energy utilization of IGCC unit can be eliminated by taking corresponding recovery measures. The annual energy saving benefit reaches 104.781 million yuan. The energy saving effect is very significant.

Key words: IGCC, energy saving, low temperature heat, POX steam superheater, waste heat of exhaust gas, pollutant discharge


对某炼油化工一体化公司IGCC(整体煤气化联合循环)装置节能潜力及回收利用情况进行了分析。IGCC装置是炼油化工一体化项目的公用工程岛,提供炼油化工一体化项目所需要的大部分氢气和超高压蒸汽、高压蒸汽以及部分电力。该装置水耗仅为同等规模的锅炉发电装置的34%,年节水量约9 Mt,烟气中SO2和NOx排放浓度低。由于IGCC装置是多种技术和装置的集成,装置本身能量回收设备不完善,存在大量的低温热未进行回收利用、POX蒸汽过热炉及燃机余热锅炉排烟温度高,能量损失大,POX废热锅炉排污量比常规锅炉排污量大,排污热损失大等问题。通过采取相应的回收措施可以消除IGCC装置能量利用的不合理状态,每年的节能效益达到10 478.1万元,节能效果非常显著。

关键词: IGCC, 节能, 低温热, POX蒸汽过热炉, 排烟余热, 排污量