Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 64-68.

• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Progress of VOCs emission control technology for domestic terminal loading and countermeasures for its current problems(Ⅰ) ——Progress of VOCs emission standards and treatment technology for domestic terminal loading

Liu Shida, Hou Shuandi, Liu Zhongsheng, Liao Changjian    

  1. SINOPEC Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals
  • Received:2022-04-21 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-15


刘世达, 侯栓弟, 刘忠生, 廖昌建    

  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司大连石油化工研究院
  • 作者简介:刘世达,博士,2019年毕业于不列颠哥伦比亚大学化学与生物工程专业,从事石化VOCs治理技术研究开发工作。联系电话:0411-39699107,。
  • 基金资助:


The emission control standards and treatment technology progress of VOCs for domestic terminal loading are introduced. Since 2007, China has formulated the VOCs emission control standards for oil storage, petroleum refining industry and petrochemical industry related to terminal loading, and certain control regulations are stricter than the American standards. HJ 1094—2020 Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry waste gases treatment gives the suggestions on the VOCs treatment process for oil products and some organic liquids during terminal loading. In terms of the applications, VOCs treatment technology for domestic terminal loading has developed from the early recovery method(absorption, adsorption, condensation, etc.) to recovery method + thermal oxidation method(catalytic oxidation, RTO, incineration, etc.). The removal rate of non-methane total hydrocarbon is greater than 97%, which can realize that the mass concentration of non-methane total hydrocarbon in purified gas is less than 20 mg/m3, benzene is less than 2 mg/m3, toluene is less than 8 mg/m3, and xylene is less than 10 mg/m3.

Key words: terminal, loading, VOCs, oil gas, VOCs treatment technology, standard


介绍了国内码头装船挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放控制标准和处理技术进展。2007年以来,国内制定了储油库、石油炼制工业、石油化学工业等与装船VOCs排放有关的控制标准,个别控制指标已经比美国标准严格。HJ 1094—2020《石油炼制工业废气治理工程技术规范》给出了油品和某些有机液体装船VOCs处理工艺建议。从应用实例看,国内装船VOCs处理技术已经从早期的回收法(吸收、吸附、冷凝等)发展为回收法+热氧化法(催化氧化、蓄热氧化、焚烧等),非甲烷总烃去除率大于97%,可实现净化气非甲烷总烃质量浓度小于20 mg/m3、苯质量浓度小于2 mg/m3、甲苯质量浓度小于8 mg/m3、二甲苯质量浓度小于10 mg/m3

关键词: 码头, 装船, VOCs, 油气, VOCs处理技术, 标准