Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (8): 69-72.
Wang Jian
There are some problems in residue FCC flue gas desulfurization and dedusting device of SINOPEC Guangzhou Company, such as difficult to meet the special emission limit of the discharged purified flue gas particulate matters, high pressure drop of the device, and white smoke and dust rain around the chimney. The device is reformed by using the technology of high efficiency low pressure drop desulfurization, dedusting and mist separation of flue gas. The results show that the average mass concentration of particulate matter and SO2 in the purified flue gas discharged from scrubber monitored online by CEMS is only 12.8 and 3.7 mg/m3 respectively, the mass concentration of particulate matter monitored on site by the third-party detection agency is less than 4 mg/m3 and SO2 is not detected, which are better than the requirements of the special emission limit for atmospheric pollutants in the GB 31570—2015 Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum refining industry. After reformation, the scale and length of white smoke decreases, the phenomenon of dust rain disappears, and the pressure drop of the scrubber is 1.1 kPa lower than that of the original scrubber, saving 0.381 million yuan per year.
Key words: high efficiency, low pressure drop, flue gas desulfurization, dedusting, mist separation, white smoke, scrubber, particulate matter
中国石油化工股份有限公司广州分公司重油催化裂化烟气脱硫除尘装置存在外排净化烟气颗粒物难以满足特别排放限值、装置压力降高等问题,烟囱口存在白烟和尘雨现象。采用烟气高效低压力降脱硫除尘除雾技术对上述装置进行了改造。结果表明:烟气排放连续监测系统(CEMS)在线监测洗涤塔外排净化烟气的颗粒物平均质量浓度仅为12.8 mg/m3,SO2平均质量浓度仅为3.7 mg/m3,第三方检测机构现场监测的颗粒物质量浓度小于4 mg/m3,SO2未检出,均优于GB 31570—2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》中大气污染物特别排放限值的要求;白烟的规模及长度有所降低,尘雨现象消失;洗涤塔压力降比原塔体降低了1.1 kPa,每年可节约38.1万元。
关键词: 高效, 低压力降, 烟气脱硫, 除尘, 除雾, 白烟, 洗涤塔, 颗粒物
Wang Jian. Industry application of high efficiency low pressure drop flue gas desulfurization, dedusting and mist separation technology[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2022, 52(8): 69-72.
王健 . 高效低压力降烟气脱硫除尘除雾技术工业应用[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2022, 52(8): 69-72.
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