Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (9): 64-67.

• ENERGY UTILIZATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect analysis of compression refrigeration energy saving tank in C4 alkylation unit

Liu Yang   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-06-14 Online:2022-09-15 Published:2022-09-20



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:刘杨,工程师,硕士研究生,2013年毕业于华东理工大学化学工艺专业,研究方向为化工工艺设计。联系电话:13633875020,。

Abstract: In view of the current situation that the newly designed C4 alkylation unit adopts primary compression refrigeration, combined with the basic principle of compression refrigeration, according to the compression refrigeration process of C4 alkylation unit, through theoretical analysis and formula derivation of energy saving tank, it is proved that adding compression refrigeration energy saving tank in the compression refrigeration process of C4 alkylation unit can achieve effective energy saving. This method can not only reduce the power of the compressor by about 7.99% and the condensing load by about 2.18%, thus reducing the energy consumption of the alkylation unit by about 1.5 kg standard oil per ton of alkylation oil, accounting for about 1.4% of the total energy consumption of the alkylation unit, but also reduce the investment of the corresponding compressor and condenser. The process simulation calculation further verifies the energy saving effect of adding the compression refrigeration energy saving tank, and confirms that the optimal operating pressure of the compression refrigeration energy saving tank can be obtained through empirical formula and simulation calculation.

Key words: C4 alkylation unit, compression refrigeration, energy saving tank, refrigerating capacity, intermediate pressure, ProⅡ software, calculation verification, compressor power

摘要: 针对目前新设计C4烷基化装置采用一级压缩制冷的现状,结合压缩制冷的基本原理,根据C4烷基化装置压缩制冷流程,通过节能罐的理论分析和公式推导的方式证明了在C4烷基化装置压缩制冷流程中增设压缩制冷节能罐可实现有效节能。该方法不仅可使压缩机功率降低约7.99%,减少冷凝负荷约2.18%,从而使烷基化装置能耗降低约62.802 MJ/t烷基化油,约占烷基化装置总能耗的1.4%,还能减少相应压缩机、冷凝器的投资。工艺模拟计算进一步验证了增设压缩制冷节能罐的节能效果,并证实了通过经验公式以及模拟计算可求得压缩制冷节能罐最优操作压力。

关键词: C4烷基化装置, 压缩制冷, 节能罐, 制冷量, 中间压力, ProⅡ软件, 计算验证, 压缩机功率