Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 22-27.

• PROCESSING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Simulation study of co-gasification of biomass and dry pulverized coal based on entrained flow reactor

Zhao Guozhong   

  1. SINOPEC Ningbo Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-06-08 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-19



  1. 中石化宁波工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:赵国忠,高级工程师,1992年毕业于清华大学化学工程系,现从事化工工艺及工程技术研发工作。联系电话:0574-87974780,。;


To study the co-gasification characteristics of the biomass and coal mixture system, the co-gasification process model is built based on Aspen Plus. It is found that the process of biomass partly replace pulverized coal co-gasification does not affect the optimal operating conditions of gasifier, syngas yield and syngas calorific value, and has certain advantages in reducing the specific oxygen consumption; the quality of syngas is as same as the single pulverized coal gasification, and effective gas yield can reach 94%. In the co-gasification process of biomass replacing pulverized coal, the specific coal consumption and cold gas efficiency increase with the increasing of biomass content, and the cold gas efficiency can be increased to more than 80%. However, the addition of biomass will reduce the gasification temperature to a certain extent. In actual production, for the coal with high ash melting point, it is still necessary to add flux to reduce the ash melting point.

Key words: entrained flow reactor, biomass, dry pulverized coal, co-gasification, oxygen-to-carbon ratio, cold gas efficiency, specific oxygen consumption, specific coal consumption


基于Aspen Plus软件构建了工艺流程模型,对生物质与煤混合原料的共气化过程进行了模拟设计与研究。研究发现:生物质部分替代煤粉进行共气化的过程并不影响气化炉的最优操作条件、合成气产率及合成气热值,并且在降低比氧耗方面具有一定优势;所产合成气的品质与煤粉单独气化的产品品质基本相同,且有效气产率可达94%。在生物质替代煤粉的共气化过程中,比煤耗和冷煤气效率随着生物质含量的增加而增加,冷煤气效率可提高至80%以上。但是,生物质的加入会在一定程度上降低气化温度,在实际生产中,对于高灰熔点的煤,依然需要加入助熔剂来降低灰熔点。

关键词: 气流床, 生物质, 煤干粉, 共气化, 氧碳比, 冷煤气效率, 比氧耗, 比煤耗