Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 7-11.

• PROCESSING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization of heavy aromatic oil processing route in refineries

Dai Endong, Xu Shaodong, Liu Tingting, Wei Wen, Mao Lingjuan, Gao Wei, Li Weilong   

  1. 1.Zhejiang Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; 2.Zhejiang Provincial Green Petrochemical Technology Innovation Center; 3.School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University; 4.The Yellow River Delta Chambroad Institute Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-06-29 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-19


代恩东, 许绍东, 刘亭亭, 魏文, 毛玲娟, 高伟, 李伟龙   

  1. 1.浙江石油化工有限公司; 2.浙江省绿色石化技术创新中心; 3.华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院; 4.黄河三角洲京博化工研究院有限公司
  • 通讯作者: 刘亭亭,高级工程师,博士,从事智能炼化建设、全厂智能优化、聚合物智能优化控制等工作。联系电话:15117974008,。
  • 作者简介:代恩东,工程师,目前从事炼油芳烃计划调度生产运行工作。
  • 基金资助:


In the original design of a certain enterprise, all the heavy aromatic oil produced as feedstock entered the delayed coking unit for processing, and the coking diesel produced was processed in the diesel hydrocracking(DHC) unit for secondary processing. There are problems with a long processing scheme and low processing efficiency. The mechanism models of delayed coking unit, DHC unit, and diesel hydrofining(DHF) unit are established using Petro-SIM software. From the perspective of the overall process, a joint diagnosis is conducted on the three units, confirming that there is indeed a problem of low processing efficiency in the heavy aromatic oil processing route. By simulating and optimizing the entire process of heavy aromatic oil, a processing optimization plan is proposed: most of the heavy aromatic oil is exported as solvent oil, and a small amount of heavy aromatic oil enters the DHF or DHC unit for processing. After optimization, the processing route of heavy aromatic oil has been shortened, and the overall economic benefits increased by 39.973 3 million yuan in one quarter. The adoption of this plan has achieve the goal of operational optimization and efficiency improvement. It has good reference significance for the entire process optimization and processing of heavy aromatic oil in similar refineries.

Key words: heavy aromatic oil, mechanism model, entire process, simulation and optimization, delayed coking, diesel hydrocracking, diesel hydrotreating


某炼化企业原设计中,所产重芳烃油作为原料全部进入延迟焦化装置进行加工,其所产焦化柴油再进入柴油加氢裂化(DHC)装置进行二次加工,存在加工流程较长,加工效率低的问题。应用Petro-SIM流程模拟软件建立了延迟焦化装置、DHC装置、柴油加氢精制(DHF)装置的机理模型,从总流程角度对3套装置进行联合诊断,印证了重芳烃油加工路线确实存在加工效率低的问题。通过对重芳烃油全流程的模拟与优化,提出了重芳烃油的加工优化方案:大部分重芳烃油按照溶剂油出厂外销,少量重芳烃油进入DHF装置或DHC装置进行加工。重芳烃油加工路线优化后,缩短了重芳烃油加工路线。生产报告显示优化后一个季度整体经济效益提升了3 997.33万元,达到了运营优化和效益提升的目的,对同类型炼油厂重芳烃油全流程优化加工具有较好的借鉴意义。

关键词: 重芳烃油, 机理模型, 全流程, 模拟与优化, 延迟焦化, 柴油加氢裂化, 柴油加氢精制